What's your greatest fear?

Anything- but think about it…
No need to rush and answer.

Me? I’m scared of dying before I’ll ever be able to explain to my daughter why…

Why I have to work away from home.
Why I can’t be with them more.
Why I have to do this- and how badly it hurst me too.

Sorry for the silly post/thread.
I needed that off my chest.



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Any father worth anything has the same fears, its a scary world out there, not silly post at all. We all enjoy this hobby of ours, its an escape from the real world. But the real world is always there, and you never know when its going to sucker punch you.


So true.

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Submarines. The whole concept of them scares me, same goes for underground things.

I even got a little tense when visiting the engine room which is located below the waterline, especially since random alarms kept going off as the ship was warming up!

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Apart from fears concerning my kids, of which there are far too many to begin to list, Drowning is probably #1 for myself. This fear being made all the more silly factoring in that I swam and played Water Polo through college…

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I can relate @TheAlmightySnark

Give me a hug :hugging:
I would like to contribute to this thread, but have a hard time coming up with something: I have no phobias, am a student who has been quite lucky with the circumstances of his birth.

Right now, my biggest fear is not having a good presentation for my thesis defense Monday. But that doesn’t sound very profound does it?

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I am not claustrophobic per se, but caving and that type of thing - nope, nope, nope. This video right here just gets me all clammy… They are in this cave system when water starts pouring in or something…ugh…


Ok, anything that would take any length of time… drowning, burning, falling from great heights, Justin Beiber concert… scares the crap out of me.


Being irrelevant.


Strangely enough none of those scare me. I’ve even dabbled in the skydive world for a few years(it became costly as a student). I just find something so unsettling about submarines.

I have no problem climbing in confined spaces though, my only fear is someone closing an hatch whilst I am still inside.

@RedBravo65, how do you mean irrelevant? Sounds a bit existential :wink:

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Ah…just ignore him.


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I hope you dont have any teenage kids… instant irrelevance :slight_smile:

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Some guy. Can’t remember his name.

I am at this moment, quite fearful. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The forum running out of disk space.

(PS We ran out of disk space today. I’ve fixed it but did so while pretending to talk to someone else on the phone while I did it, so ~30% chance of success. Good luck everyone!)


My new fear, Frog getting fired because he was trying to fix the forum because it ran out of disk space…

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Well the good news is that we found out what caused the 9GB of extra uploads to appear overnight. The bad news is that I have a bug to fix that causes the tribble like duplication that caused it while observing the computer engineering edict of ‘Do Mostly No Harm Unless You Are In A Hurry’ - we call it the Hypocrite Oath ;).

I am so fired.