Where Are You Photos [2024]

HF frequency stuff is fascinating and aggravating. Prior to the Pilatus…our Citation Ultra did not have SELCAL…so we had to maintain a listening watch on HF enroute to Bermuda. The noise is…fatiguing… Fortunately it is a short HF segment…maybe an hour. VHF extends 180 miles from Bermuda…and a bit off the coast from the United States…so the VHF “gap” is not long.

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Three weeks of HF antenna theory ‘classroom’ followed by a few years of practical experience and I am convinced that there is more voodoo than science when it comes to HF comms :wink:


The Fokker 50’s I used to fly had SELCAL! Almost never used. In fact, on one flight there was this Dong, sound on the flightdeck. The captain and I looked at eachother, WTH was that? The CC trying to call us? No. Dong, again. IT’S THE SELCAL!!! I felt like I had been contacted by aliens or something.



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Yeah HF isn’t a very good medium for aircraft now that we have SATCOM and SELCAL. We mostly use it as a backup as far as I know.

During training they mentioned there are special charts and tables that can tell you the interference and how to adjust the frequency to gain contact with a ground station… Apparently :wink:

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Some nights… the weather wins. Had to divert into Bowling Green at 4 AM since Nashville decided to tank without much warning. It wasn’t even in the forecast. :man_shrugging:t3:


Thanks for your reaction :+1: I am taking break from the wall right now (family vacation as the school starts on 16 Sep).

It should be a dry retention wall (to prevent the upper terrain from moving). I actually got some tips and watched some YT wisdom so hope it would turn out OK. The black thing is a geofabric suggested in one YT video.


Ugh geofabric. I loathe the stuff. It makes such a mess of tiny plastic particulate that is impossible to completely remove from the environment. And for most of the applications where its used, it hardly works. In dutch its often called ‘root cover’ but it doesn’t stop weeds from growing, and it will not keep a bed of stones clear of growth.

Anyway, in certain usage it makes sense, for example yours where it’s used to stabilise the soil for your retaining wall. Don’t expect it to do much retaining though! But it seems your wall pretty much follows the natural contour of the soil, so that’s fine :wink:


Decided to go by the airport to see if there was anything going on.

Saw this one and decided to get a couple of pictures.

Was looking at the first picture getting ready to take the second picture and I hear an engine starting up. Lol, of course it’s this one so I moved out of his way to keep me from being the cause of any delay.

This one taxied by while I was composing this post.

Being that it is a holiday here in the States I thought Planes of Fame might be open. No such luck.



We were bound by SOI’s (Signal Operating Instructions) which specified the frequencies we could use. For HF they did take into account ionospheric conditions (we had a daytime and nightime freq) but they were primarily to deconflict comms between different units. Frequencies changed every 24 hours.

We were able to relay the comms through another unit probably because it was thought they were far enough away that it wouldn’t be an issue, so they had been given the same frequency as us.


That’s some quality MUDSPIKE time :grin:


Got myself a mirror for my commuter bike:


The train ride is 40 minutes. To get to and from the stations is the main issue.

Berlin has a rather large area with relatively low population density. The train lines haven’t changed much in the last 100 years. Depending on where you live, there are other means of public transport (subway, tram, bus) but it gets really thin the closer you get to the outskirts, which is where I live.

Besides mismanagement from politicians it’s also an economical reality that it’s not very lucrative. Prices are already quite high and public transport authorities still don’t earn enough money to make more investments into the infrastructure.

It’s not really a problem inside of the “S-Bahn”-Ring (overground train). Here it’s more an issue of overpopulated trains (but from what I’ve seen on TV not comparable to Tokyo ;))

If you live and work in the hip inner districts (where most new Berliners want to live) you get around quite easily with bike or scooter.

The former Green senate really improved the situation for bike riding in the city. It’s not quite on the level of Copenhagen or Amsterdam (probably wrong assumption… haven’t been there for almost 30 years) but we’re halfway there.


Nice Derby. Looks like it works well and is small and unintrusive

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I would argue that the old cities in The Netherlands aren’t the best example for bike infrastructure, often times the road is still shared with motorized traffic and there simply is a lack of space to adjust it very much for the better. Making the inner cities limited to motorized traffic is usually the best solution, having dedicated parking at designated spots with good transit options.

The newer cities like Zoetermeer, Almere and Lelystad that have been build since the 70’s have a dedicated public transport and bike mindset that helps tremendously. With dedicated lanes that cut through neighbourhoods for busses and bicycles, where as the cars have to take the long way round.


That bike parking garage at Utrecht Centraal is pretty crazy too

Yep, fits right into the bar end. The FOV is pretty crazy as well, very happy with it. No more gymnastics to check six :smiley:
It’s the B+M Cycle Star 901/2 for anyone interested. It’s simple, cheap and doesn’t need batteries like the Garmin Varia Radar.


Properly edited version of a picture I posted earlier here


that could be a direct quote from over here :rofl:


I had an interesting trip last week that took me from one side of the US to the other. When trying to get into Washington Dulles the weather decided to throw a wrench in the works with a thunderstorm flaring up just south of the airport. After holding for awhile we ended up diverting to Baltimore…


At the end of the trip we had an anti-skid CAS message pop up during the before landing checks and had to divert to Austin Bergstrom. I can’t remember the last time I had to do multiple holds or divert outside of sim training. I guess I should be good for awhile now!


And Mom’s is off again with a new puzzle.

She tore the other puzzle down and started this one yesterday, September 03, 2024.
