Where to for the next Christmas trek (speculation) and thoughts about treks

Hmmm…time to start scenery diving.

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Or up to Ontario :wink:

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Sounds good!

For those of us who plan to use MSFS…



Hmmm, interesting. I’ve just finally bit the bullet on this one, but I’ve not spent a whole lot of time in it yet.

Currently plotting out a trip based on my own adventure in South America a long time ago…

And I’m thinking porque no los dos anyway for sims- depending on IFR or VFR, as well as some of my favorite planes…

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Yeah…I’m torn on what to use. I love X-Plane to death…so I might find some generic global scenery to use like THIS…or use MSFS in not have to worry about scenery at all. My aircraft selection in X-Plane is far more exotic though…so I’d love to use that. Decisions, decisions…

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Speaking of fun aircraft in MSFS, anybody know of a study level DC-3/C-47 being done for this sim?

Nice! XMas trek '21 opened. Looking forward to join.

Btw that ‘big ugly and delta winged’ wonder (Avro Vulcan) could be great choice ( at least till I get used to the VR motion sickness - key words - ‘straight flight’ :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: )

I think Aeroplane Heaven is working on one…

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Port Stanley suits me well, I haven’t flown much in South America in MSFS yet.

I also planned that trip already!
Eight legs in a fast plane with some legs (Probably the Citation Longitude).


Cool! I think I am going to join in with the DC-6 in that case.

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Same here, I am looking at xplane for this trek. And thx for the link, wanted to give that global scenery a go in the past but it was offline. Nice to see it back up.

So many potential stops, so little time… Definitely gonna need both sims, and a variety of aircraft with this one, I think.


that da62 looks cool @Bearhedge. there is one avalable also for XP from Aerobask

wondering if she is any fast, I would like some fast twin prop with good visibility from cockpit. she earns points for 5 seats ( more important IRL than in sim, I know :slight_smile: )

maybe that Aerostar 601P from Avia71 could be good candidate. its on sale at xp store right now. problem I can see with it is that it wasnt updated in almost 3years, last update Jan '19


@NEVO I think the MSFS DA62 cruises around 150-170 kts, so nothing super fast but pretty good for short legs.

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Is that with or without the community tweaks? I’ve been looking at all of them for the default planes.

Without mods. Mine’s full vanilla install so far, haven’t as much as added a livery in. I’ll get around to it in due course!

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I quite fell down the rabbit hole of twin engine piston planes. Baron 58 in XP and Twin Star in MSFS. did some online research and here I found quite nice explanation of the todays situation, lol

Multi-engine, piston aircraft were very much in style back in the 1970s and 1980s. Those were the days of $1.50/gallon avgas. At the time Piper, Cessna and Beech collectively had thirteen twin-engine models in production in the late ’70s. Today, Piper builds two, Beech offers one and Cessna has abandoned all twin engine, piston construction.

There are several reasons for the cutbacks, but the primary one is simply economics. Twins no longer make sense when avgas can cost $6/gallon and maintenance at any good shop will set you back $100/hr. Never mind how much is too much.

Additionally, even pilots with the means to buy and operate a twin are beginning to challenge the safety records of multi-engine piston airplanes over singles. The sad cliche in the industry is that the only real use for the second engine if the other one quits is to transport you directly to the site of your accident.

now I wonder if I should go modern and look for something more… single engine :slight_smile:


btw we were all so interested in our XMas flight that we missed this challenge


I have an invite to stay in Mauritius. When I taught at Oxford, one of my students was a delightful young Mauritian lady. She was extremely attractive and oozed genuine ‘lady’ and officer qualities. Sadly she could not fly to save herself so she was chopped at her own request - she felt bad at how much money she was wasting that her dad was paying. I suspect she had a job and career lined up with Air Mauritious if she had qualified. When she left she thanked me and said I would always be welcome to stay with her family. Her house is easy to find she said - ‘The White Palace’.