Where You Are Photos

Thank you. Glad I could share.
I was actually bummed over the poor weather, but she kept me in perspective. It was all new and beautiful to her.

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As a guy who grew up and still lives in Ohio, I had a similar experience the first time I visited a friend of mine in the PNW. Just blew me away and I immediately thought that’s where I’d love to live if I could do it all over again.

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This goat


The pilot shortage is on us…my sim partner this morning…


Enjoying the last few days by the pool before school starts… I know many parents rejoice at having the kids go back, but I get depressed that my wingman has to go back…lol…


So does your son actually take an interest in flight simulations? If so, what aircraft does he like to fly the most?

He actually has. He has probably spent a hundred hours or more on Simple Planes on his iPad…which is great because it has creative aspects to it as well:

He’s also spent a ton of time on Simple Rockets and Space Agency on his iPad. Some of my best memories with him so far are a few years ago when we were building a huge space station using Space Agency.


It warms my heart anytime I see him playing a sim/space game. Which is why I’ve resisted FortNite (successfully thus far) like the plague… Now, Zelda - Breath of the Wild has captured his heart for quite some time…but he flips back and forth and still plays lots of flying stuff. I can’t wait to have a proper home LAN setup for when we can fly together…


I’m one of those that doesn’t necessarily like my kids going back either. (They started this week.) I just find when they are in school life is so much more stressful…homework, activities, lunches…that kinda thing.


The infamous dora-stein


Where that be?

Wright Patt Air Force Museum?

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I’m home dealing with estate stuff. One of the perks of growing up on the “mean” streets of Columbus was Wright-Patt is right down the road.

Great pictures! And Go Bucks

My wife is from Columbus. A few years ago, her dad and I drive over to Dayton for the air show and took in the museum. Well worth the visit.

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Them Jugs though…

This was supposed to be a video but apparently I recorded it as a time lapse. Oops.


Reminds me of Peter Gabriel’s “Sledghammer” Video ! :slight_smile:

Do you have to wear a cold water immersion suit when you fly in extreme locations like that?

Early morning


Wow. Just wow Derby! That’s amazing!

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