Why do developers make bad videos?

Distinct lack of Tomcats and Tornados. 6/10 - Tom Clancy


Every Developer does not have a Glowing Amraam… that’s the OP’s Answer


I would just say that some people have a creative talent, and some do not. Being a developer requires a somewhat different mindset (not to say that some developers can not do it). And some people have a blind spot to their own weaknesses. And, of course, some people refuse to see those weaknesses even when they are pointed out. We are all human after all :slight_smile:

I haf know eyedea wut yowr talking about. I haf know weeknesses now that spel chek is inclooded in every browzer.


I can’t take a good screenshot to save my life.

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You lie. I have seen your screenshots and they are great!


Can we talk about manuals?!

Because frankly, X-plane developers hate them. FlyJSim’s is selling a 727 series product and hasn’t responded to requests for manuals since last summer. And Carenado only provides reference and checklist charts, leaving oneself left to google for documentation on the real thing and previous questions posted by users.

And yes, I can figure out how most systems work because of the previous experience. But what if you are new to this and figured “a 35 dollar product surely will be well supported and a good introduction to GA/airliners etc”. That’s just terrible IMHO.

That’s a recurring “ding” in my reviews of Carenado products for the magazine. They’ve always been that way and I always mention it in my reviews.

Haters can hate on PMDG all they want…but they do provide some astounding manuals.

DCS does some great manuals as well…

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I refuse to buy any product promoted with an over the top choral soundtrack, or that has opening credits that total more that 25% of the length of the video.

Naw, that’s BS! I’ll buy just about anything. …But I will still hate the video.

You see, before I started buying DCS modules I only had the old 2004/2002 PMDG 737NG. So I’ve been kinda spoiled with proper manuals which really should be part of any product. I just don’t understand how you can pretend to sell a simulator product without such an inherent part. It’s puzzling to me.

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If I can build the LEGO X-Wing without a manual, I can sure as shoot fly this here plane without a manual!

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Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Doubly so for you!


Back to airport scenery. I just don’t get the whole idea of putting a bunch of detail (and thus polygons) on the ground side of airports…let alone extremely detailed interiors that can only be seen if you are standing outside of the virtual terminal at the virtual rental car bust stop…where about every five minutes another virtual rental car bus shows up…“As real as it gets?”…give me a break! I don’t think I ever waited less than 45 minutes for one of this busses in the real world. Yes, ORBX has “BOB” (which doesn’t come with a manual either)…but is someone going to seriously tell me that they count “BOB flight hours” in their log book…that’s just plain cheating…oh look at the time…need to go take my medication now.


…this is a thing? Geez… some 3d modelers missed their calling.

Also, Lindbergh Field- average wait for the Enterprise bus, in my anecdotal experience, is only like 10 minutes. :smile:

Well…I’ll take your word for it. When I was in San Diego, for most of the time I was XO at FITCPAC which is located about 200 yards from the terminals…so I just parked in my parking spot and strolled over to the airport. The rest of the time I used Spouse-Rent-a-Car which has curbside service. :sunglasses:

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When we’re you there? A good friend of mine was an ET attached to that unit during her time in, I think between like 2002-2007.

2000-2003. At the time, there were 3 commands in San Diego whose acronym when spoken was “fit-see-pack”.

We were Fleet Intelligence Training Center Pacific. When had CTMs and ITs but no ETs that I recall…but I am getting old and forgetful.

Out on Point Loma was FTCPAC, Fleet Training Center Pacific, which had a bunch of ETs.

The 3rd one was something like Fleet Technical Training Center Pacific down on 32nd Street, dry side somewhere.

Leave it to the Navy to put 3 commands with nearly identical acronyms-all pronounced exactly the same way-in the same area.

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She was attached to the one that did dets to San Clemente Island. But yeah, too many letters.

That would be FTCPAC…they play the bad guys for C2X…a very cool exercise.