Windows 10 Features on/off Script

Handy script to tune Windows 10’s more questionable features. Uncomment or comment out with # to tune for your own needs. No more CandyCrush!

PS if not sure what this does then don’t run it. Happy to help though.


Nice find!

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And it only took them 20 years to include such a thing in their OS…

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Thanks, Frog!

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Ehm… How do one use this, and will it work on other language window versions?

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It is just for Windows 10, or rather the ‘powershell!’ (sounds vaguely 80’s) commands (modern day DOS batch commands kinda) that are targeted to turn on/off windows 10 features.

To use it you’d visit the github link, hit the ‘Raw’ button in the top right to see a plain version. CTRL-A, CTRL-C to select all and copy. Open up notepad (or something even nicer like Notepad64 or VSCode) and then paste in and edit it. Editing involves going through and reading what each ‘switch’ does and then either commenting in or out the commands using a ‘#’ mark. If you aren’t too sure then it’s best to just leave stuff commented out and do things bit by bit.

To run the file, save it as ‘mychanges.ps1’ in your editor and then right mouse button to ‘Run with Powershell’. It’ll then do it’s thing and ask you to reboot when done. When rebooted you’ll have the bits on or off as specified.

I mainly use it to remove (or rather disable) things like the Location service and the WAP Push on desktop PC’s as I have no need for them and they are quite chatty. I also don’t really use Cortana, so I switched that off and this way you won’t get ‘nags’ or reminders to try to guilt you to putting it back on.

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Ok. I use Win 10 on my sim PC, but it’s a Norwegian language version. Is that a problem?

A proper engineering answer would be ‘possibly, use caution’ but a useful answer :slight_smile: would be ‘almost certainly not a problem’. The app/serviceIds are all hardcoded in AmericanSeattleEnglish in the OS so should be good whatever locale. You might have a different version of CandyCrush, but looking down the list I think these are all good whatever.

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Plus, here’s one I ran this morning for a Desktop PC (more things might be useful on a laptop, but this big box doesn’t move anyway). It gets rid of the ‘search integration’ stuff, cortana, the telemetry (heh), mobile/location stuff, and some of the more cheeky 3rd party apps. It also stops that ‘Sticky Keys?’ thing and keeps the lock screen (because I like it). Apart from that, free free to edit and use:

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Sticky keys. Worst thing ever.