X52 saitex when flying my X52 shuts down,and notice cant text message as well

Continuing the discussion from DCS 1.5.2 Update and Newsletter:

Is the problem with DCS 1.5 and your X52 joystick bindings @petethehatch? As in, your stick has stopped working with DCS and you want some help to try fix?

Fearless frog I think it’s 1.5 version my stick runs ok on 1.2 version.any clue why it’s not working on 1.5 version thanks

It could be that the DCS 1.5 open beta requires you to reconfigure you stick settings all over again, as in map the controls?

You can either map them again (perhaps do a couple to check this is the problem first) or copy over your version 1.2 ones (not ideal, as some things do change but might be good enough):

To copy over your DCS 1.2 input settings you could try the following:

  • Copy you existing DCS 1.2 input config folder from here:

C:\Users(YourUsername)\Saved Games\DCS\Config\Input

  • Rename the current DCS 1.5 Open Beta folder just to back it up if this doesn’t work:

C:\Users(YourUsername)\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta

…to something like ‘backup-DCS.openbeta’

  • Paste the DCS 1.2 settings into

C:\Users(YourUsername)\Saved Games\DCS\Config\

…and it’ll say about overwriting ‘Input’ and you can say ‘ok’.

Let us know if that helped.

@earlessfrog ok i copy input from 1.2 version took out input in 1.5 version put in desktop replaced 1.5 version with 1.2 and had around 10 mins fly touch wood ok.thanks

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