2018 Mudspike Christmas Flight Proposal and Vote

Taken out of context that could be the introduction to an NTSB report :dizzy_face:

Had something similar to that happen once landing at Honolulu. It was so bad that a couple of guys waiting to depart where damn near taking bets over tower on if we where going to make it. Luckily the runway there is long and an empty Herc stops on a dime. :rofl:

Here’s a bit of reading that may help with that:


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Eww. South American Reg-Anuses

I got you, fam:


I’ll see what I can find for my own photos from then too. The scenery was absolutely spectacular.

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There’s a Bojack Horseman episode where Bojack talks about the TV show “nickiss”. Another character corrects him by asking if he meant “NCIS”. I’ve been doing the same with the flightsim I do not own called “Prepar3D” or P3D. All this time I have been silently calling it “Prepare Three Dee”. Thanks to a mention in the VATSIM downloads section I now know it is properly called “Prepared”. Clever. Me, not so much.

Carry on…

So after a little more research on the Solent, it doesn’t have the range to make the flight from the West coast of the US to Hawaii. 1500nm doesn’t cut it. So, I will have to find another suitable steed for the trip.

edit> Hmm… well the airplane notes suggest a much better range than the Wiki specifications. So I will give it a whirl… what’s the worst that can happen? :wink:

Look at it this way: you’ve got a 2,000 NM long runway, and they can always send a gas station out to top off the tanks.


This is true… hopefully the sea isn’t too choppy :wink: .

Perish the thought. :smiley:

Actually, just how it is spelled… phonetically “Int-Tah”…NTAA…what? :confused:

Or you could place an “oiler” - (I assume X-Plane has scenery ships) - finding your refueling ship in the middle of the Pacific would definitely be some “old school navigation challenge”. Just a thought. :slightly_smiling_face:


I was doing that up until last year when I started watching Froogle’s videos…

NIMITZ went around the Horn when she went to the West Coast - hit heavy seas had a RAM launcher swept overboard. Scuttlebutt was the CO tried to blame it on his weather guesser, who had reportedly advised against the route taken…staff was onboard and if their METOC staff officer was in agreement with the ship’s company guy? Never heard how it turned out. I was on STENNIS on deployment while RR was making the trip. Going the Straits of Magellan was the right move.


I just realized that I might be able to fly my charted route with an DHC-2… 500NM over open water might get a tad bit boring though.

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I was doing it until just now…

Yep, we went through the Straits strictly because of that - story is we were originally slated to go around as well, but higher authority (including the Chilean government) was able to prevail with better wisdom. I heard the damage done to Nimitz was on the order of a few million dollars.

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For those that might be trying to jump some oceanic gaps - these charts are pretty useful for finding the winds aloft. Remember - the fastest time between two points isn’t always a straight line when you are considering winds. I’m mostly interested in the FL180 charts and I might keep an eye on them and look for a pattern that might work for me. Depending on where @PaulRix decides to “coast out”, he might want to study them closely too…





Of course - it begs the question - do any of our sims like X-Plane or FSX/P3D have native weather or plug-in apps that actually pull and use oceanic wind data? Or is it a great big millpond out there? :thinking:

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Don’t know if X-Plane grabs winds aloft when it pulls real-time weather. But if it does, I would imagine that it works overwater as well. It comes from the same source after all.

I’ve done a dry run with the 407 from Fiji to Nausori. This after downloading 30+ HD mesh files

Unless we use Tahiti, this should be doable in the helo. It really isn’t all that much slower than some of the old boxes on floats that some of you plan to fly for the last legs. The Bell has a good autopilot so I only need to be around for the descent and landing. I figure 5 legs a week should be good enough. I can start now since nothing really changes for me regardless the destination. If it does turn out to be Tahiti then I will have to grab and King Air for the last couple of legs. That will be a real drag after all the work but I’ll probably just whine a little and do it anyway. In any case I will have to cheat on a couple of legs and land in the boonies where I will pretend that a nice Russian has met me with a drum filled with Jet-A.


Can you use Plane Maker to install a ferry tank? :thinking:

Where’s the fun in that? :grin: