Aerges' DCS: Mirage F1

I’m right there, right now. I figure most people understand that the AI is not so “I”. The only thing I really -really- need to see is a wingman that I can command to hit a target I’m looking at, with my [virtual] naked eye.

I’m going to go at it again, just in case someone from ED is looking…

In fact, the YT just posted here (a repost but is easier to reach up and coy/paste):

Tells me they have almost all the pieces in place to do it!. Just substitute CP/G with “Wingman” in @wagmatt 's example video. I’m still digesting it between debug runs…

You, the player, are looking at something with a pointing device – just a ‘dot’ if looking with your virtual eyeballs (a dot you can call up with a key) and say, “Hey Bot, lookie there. Hit that”. In the above video the list pops up on the left and you can ‘drill down’ to be more specific.

Or give me an API that spits out the vector where the player is looking - the intersection of that vector and the ground (this code, or similar, is everywhere internally). I’ll do a search about this on my own, in lua. I can select buildings, bridges, etc this way too now that I think about it, “Hey Bot, hit that bridge right there”.

I can see this in a visual dogfight too - I don’t do WWII so I may be ignorant on this but - is there something that lets you specify, to your AI wingman, to engage a fighter/bomber you can see?.

Perhaps use whatever weapon you have selected or, barring that, the same logic used for other AI’s when attacking a known/specified object. This will make my CAS/Armed Recon missions more than just having a wingman follow me around. And think of a time when the only gear you had was the “Mark-1 Eyeball”.