NOTAM 1: Triggers are linked to Groups. Adding new client slots will not activate triggers. Changing group aircraft may break some triggers.
NOTAM 2: F10 tasks may require multiple initiations due to DCS rolling the same random flag multiple times, therefore selecting a task that’s already been triggered previously.
Client Slots (x4 of each, at each location)
A-10C-II at Kandahar
AH-64D at Kandahar, Bastion, Dwyer, Tarinkot
AV-8B at Kandahar and Bastion
CH-47F at Kandahar, Bastion, Dwyer
FA-18C at Kandahar
F-15E at Kandahar
F-16C at Kandahar
Mi-8MTV2 at Kandahar
OH-58D at Kandahar, Dwyer, Tarinkot
Fixed Wing and Attack Helo Tasks
Random on-call tasking. You may be directed via AO controller, handed off to DCS JTAC, or contacted directly by ground forces.
Helmand AO, west of Tarinkot. Controller “CROWN.” Own callsign “MACE 1.” Upon entering the killbox you will be automatically checked in, and F10 menu tasking becomes available. AI-generated voice lines.
Lashkar AO, between Bastion and Dwyer. Controller “CHIEF.” Own callsign “LANCE 1.” Upon entering the killbox you will be automatically checked in, and F10 menu tasking becomes available. AI-generated voice lines.
CH-47F Tasks
Dynamic cargo enabled for Kandahar, Bastion, Dwyer, Tarinkot, and all FOBs. Beer runs at own discretion.
Bastion and Kandahar CH-47s only: Random troop transport tasks via F10 menu. Mundane pickups and dropoffs. Pickup/dropoff points marked by map markers on the F10 map.
Mi-8 Tasks
Random troop transport tasks via F10 menu. Pickup/dropof points marked by map markers on F10 map. Recommend taking guns or rockets
“Thorns” are an occasional enemy that will take potshots at you if you happen to wander into their WEZ.
AI assets
Tankers flying slow (220-250kts) for A-10 and AV-8B support while hot, high, and heavy.
Light logistics traffic between airbases and FOBs
Comms, waypoints, and other info in mission briefing.