Afghanistan Sandbox (WIP)


NOTAM 1: Triggers are linked to Groups. Adding new client slots will not activate triggers. Changing group aircraft may break some triggers.

NOTAM 2: F10 tasks may require multiple initiations due to DCS rolling the same random flag multiple times, therefore selecting a task that’s already been triggered previously.

Client Slots (x4 of each, at each location)
A-10C-II at Kandahar
AH-64D at Kandahar, Bastion, Dwyer, Tarinkot
AV-8B at Kandahar and Bastion
CH-47F at Kandahar, Bastion, Dwyer
FA-18C at Kandahar
F-15E at Kandahar
F-16C at Kandahar
Mi-8MTV2 at Kandahar
OH-58D at Kandahar, Dwyer, Tarinkot

Fixed Wing and Attack Helo Tasks
Random on-call tasking. You may be directed via AO controller, handed off to DCS JTAC, or contacted directly by ground forces.

Helmand AO, west of Tarinkot. Controller “CROWN.” Own callsign “MACE 1.” Upon entering the killbox you will be automatically checked in, and F10 menu tasking becomes available. AI-generated voice lines.

Lashkar AO, between Bastion and Dwyer. Controller “CHIEF.” Own callsign “LANCE 1.” Upon entering the killbox you will be automatically checked in, and F10 menu tasking becomes available. AI-generated voice lines.

CH-47F Tasks
Dynamic cargo enabled for Kandahar, Bastion, Dwyer, Tarinkot, and all FOBs. Beer runs at own discretion.

Bastion and Kandahar CH-47s only: Random troop transport tasks via F10 menu. Mundane pickups and dropoffs. Pickup/dropoff points marked by map markers on the F10 map.

Mi-8 Tasks
Random troop transport tasks via F10 menu. Pickup/dropof points marked by map markers on F10 map. Recommend taking guns or rockets :wink:

“Thorns” are an occasional enemy that will take potshots at you if you happen to wander into their WEZ.

AI assets
Tankers flying slow (220-250kts) for A-10 and AV-8B support while hot, high, and heavy.
Light logistics traffic between airbases and FOBs

Comms, waypoints, and other info in mission briefing.


Thanks Clutch! Is the tasking fairly generic? I’d like to add the Kiowa with an AI wingie and a second mission with a client wingman. Any issues if I add those at Tarinkot?


Should be no issues. Mainly just CAS and enemy hunting against infantry, trucks, and technicals…an occasional VBIED assaulting a FOB here and there.

Updated version in the OP with some tweaks to the triggers. I’m having trouble getting triggers to reliably tell you when the tasking is done without triggering triggers from past tasks that are already completed.


Just caught your playtesting video. It really gives me the feel of the missions that Dan Hampton outlined in his book “Viper Pilot” (though that was Iraq, similar era however).

Thanks for sharing this, makes me want the map - ED should give you a promoters bonus :wink:


I should read that book again for ideas!

And posting the playtest video.The end-task triggers when I have groups that spawn mid-task are awkward to work around. I thought if I used flag on + group dead = “end task” + flag off, I could reuse the same flag, but supposing the player already completed one task, the next task will have flag on + group dead conditions for two tasks met and play the wrong end task message. If I use different flags for each that would probably solve it, but then I might run out of flags :thinking:


We have some family visiting, who are seeking higher ground as tropical storm Debby passes. Consequently, I didn’t have a chance to download until late this evening. Clicking the link in the OP results in an error message that the file is residing in the owners Trash. Will it be available again?

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Should work now. No idea why the link didn’t direct to the new file.

I need a better uploading source than Google/Dropbox etc. They’re constantly screwing with the GUI and the storage limitations are annoying.

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That did it, thanks.


New version updated on first post (v0.9). Fixes:

  • More reliable “task completion” notifications for relevant tasks (some are search-and-destroy so no messages on those)
  • Audible feedback when eliminating infantry targets: “good hits” on relevant tasks (little buggers are hard to see on TGP)
  • Eliminated interaction with CROWN for some tasks
  • Streamlined CROWN to JTAC handoff
  • Fixed JTAC “Hammer” task not spawning (me dumdum forgot to finish the trigger)
  • Set JTAC to request guided munitions instead of always wanting the brrrrt
  • Maybe some other tweaks I don’t remember

Playtesting this in the Viper has been fun and I’ve been learning some new tricks. MGRS entry is clunky but not too bad. GMT is good for picking up the trucks rolling around in IED land. VIP-TO-TGT is great for setting an offset from a waypoint and sending the TGP there for searching.


Another update–at this point I should start a Github page :joy:

  • Fixed JTAC Axeman not giving tasking: apparently they have a minimum range
  • Added JTACs to the four IED-hunt tasks; total of 7 JTAC tasks in the Helmand AO
  • Revised Archer CAS and Hadrian defense for replayability
  • Revised two of the Hadrian tasks so players can actually find the targets

EDIT: Hotfixed, v0.951. Fixed a prematurely fired trigger and added two missing voice lines.

Big update and revamp. Check the first post for details.

I haven’t had time to extensively test, but 99% of things should work. My main concern is the troop embark/disembark tasks for the Hooks, since I’ve tested those the least.


Now v0.952. I think I’m updating these faster than ya’ll can fly them :rofl:

  • Missing blue smoke on Hitman (Lashkar) task fixed
  • Leatherneck (Lashkar) task conditions tweaked
  • CH-47F troop insertion/extraction tasks streamlined
  • CH-47F task voice lines added
  • CH-47F (Bastion) Tasks 2 and 4 fixed.

Note: Lashkar F10 tasks sometimes have a hiccup and need to be requested multiple times before a task is generated. Same for the CH-47F tasks.

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just gave the chinook troop transport a throw … smooth running
that landing pad was a bit tight :grinning:

great mission


Good to see the Kandahar ones are working! I’ve only tested the Bastion runs so far. Did you get a “task complete” message after unloading? I may have made the trigger zones too small to trip those messages unless the player lands in a specific spot.

I also need to spice those up with a hot LZ every now and then.


Don’t recall seeing and messages when I disembarked the troops, but wasn’t totally on the lading pad


Yep, I flew a Hornet out of Kandahar to the Helmand AO and was tasked to strike a mortar team that was targeting FOB Hadrian. Seemed to work as advertised.


I’ll enlarge the trigger zone to encompass the whole FOB then. When the troops are out and inside the trigger zone it should give a task complete message. I wanted them to actually move to that point and get out of the way after disembarking, but couldn’t get it to work. They would just start running the 100km from the embarkation point instead of waiting for the helo :joy:

Just a reminder, the tasks are stackable, so if you get one you’ve already played or which doesn’t seem interesting, you can call in another; the mortar team mission that @chipwich had is one I usually skip :laughing: . Testing out Lashkar yesterday in the Viper, I went through so many tasks I exhausted four bombs, all the gun, and got back to Kandahar with about 3,000lbs of gas left.

Also feel free to mess with the weather. The hotter temps might make some things more difficult than they could be in, say, winter.


I will lower the temps to see if I can get the kiowa’s flyable at the other base… but so far it’s looking a fantastic sandbox of good missions :grinning:. Would be good to get a few people running it as a mp mission


Thanks! I need to add more CAS tasks to Lashkar; it’s only got 10 compared to Helmand’s 19, but I’m running out of ideas. It’s starting to feel like groundhog day with “here’s good guys, here’s bad guys, please kinetically remove bad guys.” Which I guess is realistic to a point.


What about having a fire base under siege that needs some protection and to ferry more troops/ ammo and evac wounded (not sure how that would be done)

Just random musings on my part :grinning: