I’m thinking of hiring Haley Showell from Tecumseh - she likes sculpture, and likes visiting new places (hey Haley…interested in plowing through some trees to get to a dirt strip in Idaho?). Typed in the Husky…a “Wannabe” but a zero star Cargo pilot…hmmm…
Destiny is more expensive, and “spends every waking minute thinking about World Domination…” Typed in Husky, L5, 172, and 207…so that seems like a better hire…
@Navynuke99 votes for Destiny…
I thought it worked that way but was probably recalling the AI in that case. Yes, you should be able to have either an AI or a VA member fly over and pick you up. Or buy a bus ticket - we’re on a budget, right?
Destiny is on the way!
I have rules when it comes to names.
No European car brands, unless they’re from Europe, no precious stones or gems, and no meta names.
Learned that the hard way.
…but that part almost cancels out the first bit.
Almost. But I’d still be careful around her with the elicit runs.
I doubt the stripper pole fit in the Husky.
Are you all getting FMS flight plans automatically? I do not. I am running AH2 as Admin and have the appropriate folder in x-plane. (I forgot the name…using my macbook atm.)
What FMS? I’m mostly flying a green needle 172/A…so no FMS or GPS. The Husky has the Garmin 750 and I just manually type in the route since mine are so short (generally less than 150nm). I’ve mostly been flying VFR except when I need to go to a fix to shoot an approach…then I just load that in the Garmin or proceed to the fix via green needles in the Cessna 172.
Lucky you getting jobs elsewhere than your base
I thought I read that AH will sometimes generate jobs out of places you’ve visited…(it clearly has for me). So there might be some sort of trigger that causes those few scraps to be thrown to us transients who sleep on your FBO couch and eat all the cookies.
I wonder…what does the jobs map look like in Nomad Mode?
It looks like it’s only if you specifically visit other airports. And it only generates minimal jobs from them that don’t visit your base. Not a huge deal. AI flights don’t seem to affect it.
Just loaded AH2 and received a patch notification…
AirHauler 2 Update Details
v2.0.0.22 - 27th May 2020
Download the new version and run the installer TWICE - once to uninstall, again to re-install - your company files will NOT be affected.
Note that this new update supports leaving X-Plane open while doing subsequent AH2 jobs. There are a couple of restrictions however - the first flight MUST be flown with AH2 initiating the job (in networked mode, or with AH2 launching the sim - if in networked mode, start the sim AFTER AH2 is waiting for it so the plugin can initialise properly). Also, if your aircraft experiences any failures, you will need to restart the sim - the failure flags are not currently cleared even if the system is repaired and will persist - this will be addressed in the next update.
Patch Notes/Change Log
- Resolved an issue when uploading a Cargo Job to a VA
- AH2 will now create the Output\FMS Plans directory if it doesn’t exist
- Resolved issue with Office Designer saving to incorrect location
- Resolved issue with scenery import and missing datum_lat/lon entries
- Resolved issue when importing Heliports
- AH2 will now allow you to overload the aircraft slightly (circa 10%)
- When choosing “Fly Now” on a Cargo Job, AH2 will select the first aircraft at the start location by default
- Fixed issue where Fuel to load in the Network Mode dialog was showing an incorrect value
- Max Pax and Range colums now sort correctly in Aircraft Management
- Resolved aircraft importing issue if ICAO Type missing in .acf file
- Resolved issue where AH2 would report “Wrong location” incorrectly for an aircraft
- Fixed issue whereby Flight Monitoring would report “Waiting” when it was actually connected
- X-Plane communication code re-written, now uses 1% CPU rather than 25%+
- Fixed issue offloading cargo from Aircraft when ferried fuel onboard - AH2 now supports scenery importing on XP Beta 11.50
- AH2 will now check that the plugin exists in the XP directory on startup
- AH2 will check for the FMS Plans folder on startup
- AH2 will warn if it needs to be run “as Administrator” - i.e. X-Plane installed under a “Program Files” protected directory
- AI pilots can now use pax config aircraft for cargo jobs
- VA jobs which are to/from ICAOs which do not exist (i.e. FSX/P3D airports which are not in X-Plane and vice versa) are not shown
- Fixed error loading the Company if the Base had incomplete metadata from the X-Plane scenery file
- You can now leave X-Plane running between AirHauler flights - however YOU are responsible for loading cargo/fuel for subsequent jobs. The first flight MUST be initiated from AH2 (either in normal or network mode) to active the AH2 plugin, and if you experience an in-flight failure, you will have to reload the sim for the next flight once the system has been repaired in AH2 proper.
Better yet! The new PC Pilot is here!!!
Arrived yesterday…let’s see what @BeachAV8R has in store for us this month!
Thanks for that. Just sub’d annually. Haven’t had a sub to that since the only delivery option was your mailbox. Nice. And I feel behind here; didn’t know @BeachAV8R published there. Nice again!.
@BeachAV8R ya made me do it - D/L’d Idaho from forkboy2. Thank goodness I can pause a torrent.
That was a fun issue. Got to explore Lukla Extreme and an article on PASV - Sparrevohn LRRS…
@BeachAV8R - So, to have my Twin Beech at KEAT and the -172 Bush at KPUW I need bases in MY company at both places, correct? To get AH to generate jobs from each location. Since it doesn’t seem AH generates jobs from the VA side. This all sound about right?
Well, in order to get AH to generate jobs for your personal company, it is definitely best to have a base at both locations. Otherwise you only might get one or two jobs being generated at the airport you don’t have as a base. I bit the bullet and built a base at Pullman/Moscow because I really wanted some flights into those Idaho backcountry fields. It will ding ya’ though…in both startup costs and monthly rental fees. I’m basically betting I will beat the race to REP where I can get a bigger plane that will justify having both bases.
I’m trying not to use AI for anything other than moving my personal plane to where I need it to fly…but I can see the temptation to make the AI go out and make some money!
EDIT - And you can probably get a cheaper airfield than KPUW if you just want to be in the area. KPUW is a bit expensive to open compared to some nearby options…
Hmmm. So, using my own planes I guess it doesn’t really matter where my company is based then; I can still Transfer Job → VA and the VA gets profits (75/25 split) and rep points? Assuming I don’t let the job rot on the vine, so-to-speak.
Gosh, gotta RTFM a bit more.