Air Hauler 2 for X-Plane discussion thread

I don’t know anything about how X-Plane does weather. It would be neat though if they modeled mountain wave and things of that nature. Seems I get beat up every time I go into KBJC (Rocky Mountain west of Denever) in real life. The lee of those mountains can be awful…

I thought I experienced a down-draft, close to ridge, skimming over the mountains the over day. Was really close to the crest, maybe 500’. Thought it was just my imagination - I didn’t think they modeled it. May have just been ‘stock’ turbulence or something.

This is where @smokinhole, @Elby, @jenrick and I nod knowingly and mumble something about Condor 2…

I was flying along a ridge line just the other day where the leeward side was a sheer drop. The winds were about 15 knots across the ridge and I allowed myself to drift just a little too far over the ridge line…the next thing I know I’m in serious sink. I was dragged down so fast that I ended up stuck on the wrong side of the ridge… but I digress. I think that XP does model thermals to some level. I’m not sure about ridge lift and wave though.


I have to admit that I have never tried gliding with X-Plane… Maybe I should give it a go.

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this was one hell of a thermal if that’s the case :smiley:

That would require me knowing the escape manoeveur :crazy_face:

Honestly it was super weird. Nothing like the normal turbulence x-plane gives. 1000ft climb to 1500 descent to … Ya. Just all over the place. Like being a martini shaken, not stirred.

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About 4000ft agl.

Quoting myself! Not much new except to say that thus far all missions generated have been To or From a real airport. The next step is to open a “base” at each LZ and see if that opens them up for trade. Otherwise there’s not much point.


So … almost 40 jobs being generated on my cargo screen, and I am still finding it difficult to fly continuous routes at decent profit margins…

I’ll get a nice job to whatever place, no return flight, and the new job that’s generated there is only 2K revenue max or so. Usually at 150nm, which… man, just doesn’t seem worth it after I just flew 95nm and made 8k revenue.

More bases will help, but I need more money for that, and more planes to fly the jobs, and ahhhhhh lol.

It’s been less than a month, I’ll survive. I just want out of this slowwww 172 :slight_smile:

Lots of fun flying into these strips though. I have to say I’m a little disappointed with how few buildings are placed in some of these not so small airports with the orbx scenery. I get they didn’t add airports for the most part, but it’s a bit disappointing having a 2 runway airport with misaligned ortho photo and an entire block of buildings not represented in 3d. I’ll need to do some org searching and see if they’re available beyond the gateway, but still. Just me being grouchy :slight_smile:


I have an inkling that the Dev. wants the game play to lean more towards taking a realistic amount of time to build an ‘empire’ from scratch. At least many months. I think his options, at company startup, to begin with a larger bankroll (Easy modes), is the only compromise.

Just a hunch and in no way do I feel this is good or bad. Just how it was done.

I don’t see any changes in this latest version that address what you mention; most trips are out & back. Unless you have a lot of bases ('Empire).

Think the game play was designed to be long-running. Me, I sped things up by simulating being born into a family with bucks :slight_smile:

I don’t really have an issue with it. Once I’m out of the 172 it’ll be more palatable. I’m just not a fan of trawling along at 110 TAS lol. But I’m good with the speed of building up the business.

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Should have sold it immediately and bought an Arrow :grin:. Not very sexy or bush enough for most, but is surprisingly adept at hauling nearly a 1000 lbs of cargo over the short distances we are doing, at an honest 130+ kts most days.


Ya. I didn’t own any AH affordable models unfortunately. Every other model I had would’ve cost like 500k or so plus

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You might get this warning when opening AH2:

Rustemsoft Skater .NET

and this:

It’s OK. Apparently some confusion on the business side of things with either Slopey or Just Flight. Patch is here if its an issue.

Given my string of PC problems last week this scare the ■■■■ out of me when I got it this morning :grin:


Is anyone having problems generating revenue in AH2XP? I have figured out a few routes that are turning a tidy profit on the commodities market and I am willing to share. :slight_smile:


I also just did a $30k run with the Cub to fill up the coffers a bit :grin: Does the commodity market fluctuate, by the way? It would suck to find out you’ve spent all your money on a trade that isn’t there anymore by the time you arrive…

Not so far (within this day). I see if the prices change tomorrow. The only I have noticed is that stock goes down when you purchase, but does not go up when you deliver at a destination and it slowly gets replenished over time.

Ya, system seems pretty bare bones.

I haven’t seen the prices change for a few days, at least of a couple of commodities. I’ve seen biggest price differences in perfume, fine china, and medicine. Sometimes building materials. I just hired an AI as suggested by @Rhinosaurus for a month salary of only $935 or so, and have him fly jobs and “position” to and from locations for the commodities trading when I don’t want to fly the C172 myself. It’s possible to have him run a short route back and forth and make tons of money in KSEA area. Have not done so since @smokinhole called it a “cheat”, which makes sense. If I don’t want to do the “grind”, might as well just start a new company with a easier option. So for now, I am trying to mix trading with jobs between myself and my AI employee.

BTW, how do I take a MAD VA job? I have none shown in either KEAT or KPUW. Can I only transfer my job to VA and fly it? I want to fly the bush C172 from KPUW, but I don’t have any job in that location to transfer.

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YA, if you guys have jobs out of or into KPUW please advise or add them to the VA Cargo listing.

Are you at KPUW @ffly? I can add a job or two for you right now if you want.