Arma 3: Antistasi

I just tried it, didn’t work for some reason. Feel free to add me: War Pig

That’s cool, I’m normally back in the Hotel by that time if I’m out on the east coast (US). I’m on vacation this week and at home, but maybe I’ll see you around next week. :slightly_smiling_face:

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added. sorry, i gave you the wrong name! apologies!

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No problem!

You can login as admin with
/ #login spike
You should see a list of saved games and the ability to start a new one as admin. Not sure anyone has setup a new one yet? In either case, having a read at
might be helpful. I’ll try to login next week on some evenings in CEST timezone.

[Edit]: I just logged in as admin and created the mudspike_1 game. This should be autoloaded 60 seconds after login, even if not an admin.



I did wonder this aswell … yay let the insurrection begin :grinning:

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I have just hopped on the server, you now wait for 60 sec and all is good, petros is there, but i couldn’t get him to spawn any missions even as the commander

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You still there?
Can I jump in?

Would you use Mudspike discord room for voice coordination?

I would love to, but only jumped in as a test, shopping is being delivered at any moment… :sob:


AHAHAHAH nio worries whatsoever.

Just in case anyone else has some time, I’m in.


if it arrives soon i will jump in

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Either of text me when you do and ill jump in as well. You may need to deal with an excited 6 year old on comms but ill do my utmost to gag him

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I’m in - kids excitement is a fun addition. :slight_smile:

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Hey @Victork2 if you can ,drop in the Mudspike discord voice chat - you were beside me but I couldn’t tell if you heard me or not

I’m hit but still alive…

Edit: Hahaha that was epic, even if it went south really really fast. :joy:

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Ok, going to try once more. This mod is pretty interesting… :stuck_out_tongue:

i should be able to get on about 4.30 if you are still there :wink:

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Sure thing! I’ll be in the Mudspike Discord.

I had no idea it would be that bloody hectic on there. I got my butt handed to me

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Ok so I managed to hit on an enemy base undetected…

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Now I’m going to survery the base and see how’s the activity…

The enemy is encamped in a Stadium…

Here’s the trucks I destroyed…

They do not look damaged but I put an IED (155mm Shell) and they blew up real good.
I am too far to render the damage in detail apparently

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The most important part is keeping the UNDERCOVER status to ON. Which is easier said than done…

Next mission… Drop supplies and prevent corrupt Police forces from seize them. :confused:

Almost there… Syrta

Uuh, this place is… occupied…

I approach casually and calmly the drop point…

Corrupt Police…

More enemies

I survey the area for a good 5 minutes

All clear?


I nail one of the cops but the other one unleash the dog on me and kills me while I run for cover…