ArmA Reforger screens, videos, or clips



looks fabulous!


so lets drop fire and hell on it! :wink:

[nature is extremely slow so through natural evolution it brought us to life so we can speed up the natural processes:

WILDFIRE: A wildfire, forest fire, or a bushfire is an unplanned, uncontrolled and unpredictable fire in an area of combustible vegetation. Some natural forest ecosystems depend on wildfire. Modern forest management often engages in prescribed burns to mitigate fire risk and promote natural forest cycles. However, controlled burns can turn into wildfires by mistake.]

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as suggested above testing explosives :smiling_imp:

interesting sign in the training mission
explosives on building

zero damage

explosives on fuel bowser … positive effect

it had to be done :smile:


These small pos Ladas are actually a lot of fun to drive on dirt roads with deep ruts. Kinda scary going 50km/h plus on rough farm roads but a lot of fun.


Why would mildenhall and Washington be in opposite directions? I get that you could go all the way round but surely they would both be west-ish?

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Oh Sure! The guy beta tests the HUMVEE and now, suddenly he’s an expert in geography


I’m also a terrible GA pilot. For all i know there could be a mildenhall east of that sign :joy::joy:


Given where BIS says Malden/Everon is (~100 miles NW of Heligoland), yes - Mildenhall should be SW and Washington should be more westerly of that :+1:

Unless Everon is moving… Radio Goodies style I suppose?! :joy:


Holy Christ this is simply breathtaking…

I mean they are all great but that stopped me in my tracks


I know, right? we were in the middle of a firefight and I looked to the left and saw that and had to stop firing to take that screenshot.


Probably a ridiculous question, but does Reforger have native VR support?

No VR support that I have found

Copy. I know VR doesn’t work as well for FPSs, but those environments beg to be explored in full surround.

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I don’t agree that VR doesn’t work for FPS - but I’m not sure you could mix flatscreen players with VR users.

It’s super immersive in Pavlov to high-ready the rifle or lean around a wall, but I’m not sure how you’d handle sitting in a vehicle - walking up a slope is disorienting enough! VR FPS has to run a bit slower for me to enjoy it (so something like Flashpoint/Arma or maybe even Six Days in Fallujah might be perfect?)

Maybe with the AR stuff in the Quest 3 we can tell the game where our chair is in relation to our standing gaming position, and that could work for vehicles?


would be good for vehicle based stuff like steel beasts or GHPC


Maybe you can join us some time. The game still has quite a few stability issues but it’s a completely different beast than it was at release 2.5 years ago and a lot of fun already. A huge step up from Arma 3 in many ways but of course not a fully fledged Arma game.


I really wish I could. PM inbound.


Forget VR, it doesn’t have native head-tracking support, does it?

Aw man! It really does look incredible. I would rather not do the xbox version because I want the ability to edit and “sandbox”. But I also don’t want to go down the rabbit hole of figuring out the constant crashes. Whattodo whattodo

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