Seversky A8V?
Another easy one
Looks like a Saab Lansen.
Fun fact: Saab planes have cool names:
Tunnan → the barrel
Lansen → the lance
Draken → the dragon
Viggen → the trident EDIT: Not really, see posts below.
Gripen → the griffon
EDIT: Another less known but still easy one:
I thought the Viggen was a tufted duck.
IAR 80?
being more descriptive
…and I also just noticed it is even labeled on the vertical fin…
Probably pretty easy
Dornier Do.24?
It is! I got that wrong, I had a very old source once that claimed it means “Trident” and the word stuck with me.
As far as I recall Viggen means: “Thunderbolt” (some old word, not used anymore), and “Tufted Duck”.
I am not sure why the duck is named that way. It has a completly different name in all languages I know (“Reiherente” in German, “Toppand” in Norwegian if I am not mistaken, and “Troldand” or so in Danish).
@Andrew116, I have a bit of a flying boat fetish.
I’m going to need the specific version for this one.
That’s the so-called “Icannotseeafrikkinthing”-plane.
Isn’t that Lindbergh’s first plane, The Spirit of St. Paul?
It does have the required zero visibility. Maybe he was scared of heights and preferred not to know?
It was called Spirit of St. Louis, not St. Paul. But you are right, it also had no forward visibility!
had to look in the mirror this morning and do this
I don’t get the joke either. What is it referencing?
I am German. We don’t get jokes unless they are explained well.