Next up Seashore,
We only start with 2 trucks this time,
I was going to go with the little guy first but one of the garages that I need to unlock is in the already explored area, so we are going to unlock it first
Lots of trees in the path early, I also I love that fact that I am basically pulling an old train car!
Found a refuel point, So I filled up
Well this looks like a muddy mess, Should be fun to cross
Well it took some time but we made it across
Made it to the garage,
Had 2 trucks close by to unlock, This guy
And this 8x8 beast,
Decided to get the 8x8 back to the garage so I could see what options I had with it
Both trucks at the garage,
Time to get in the little guy and unlock some more of the map
Hmmmm thats a fast moving river, Oh well lets try to cross it,
The crossing did not go well, Im just glad the truck stopped moving down stream
So with the little guy out of commission, I get back in the 6x6 and go exploring,
Whats this pavement?!?!?! YAY!!
Found and unlocked 2 more trucks, This 6x6 set up for medium logs and behind me there is another 6x6 set up for small logs
Found one unlock tower,
Found another tower,
Got to another one, barely, Only one left to go,
Cool bridge across the river, Somewhere down stream is my little truck,
And the last unlock tower, dont mind the damage to the truck, its only a flesh wound
Now to rescue the little guy, We found him and should be able to winch,
After a few minutes we got him to shore,
Back on the road, I decided to pull the little guy to a garage,
River crossing went better with the 6x6 pulling the little guy,
On pavement, home free to the garage,
Big hill to this garage, little struggle but we made it
Both trucks at the garage, Little guy has some damage but once I unlock the garage it will be fixed,
We hop in the 6x6 with the small log module,
We take it to the first unlocked garage and gear up with 4 garage points and set off to unlock the other garage,
Its really hard to tip this set up over but I almost did right here,
On pavement almost to the garage,
Surprisingly the train car pulls up the hill really well,
Made it to the garage,
Everything is repaired and ready for the next part of the adventure,
I loaded up the 8x8 with a small log module and a small log trailer, so 6 points of lumber, and set off
As i pulled out of the lumber yard I noticed fuel would be an issue, in deep mud Im running 25l a minute, So I need to position a refuel truck, Back to get a 6x6 with a fuel trailer and go fill it up
Why do they never put fuel point on pavement?
Refueled and filled up the trailer with 3200 litres
I strategically positioned the tanker truck,
Back in the 8x8 we made it to pavement,
And we made it to the refuel point,
Up next we deliver lumber to both yards, It would be easy if we could stay on pavement, however there are 2 checkpoints that dont allow lumber loads to pass, so off road it is! Stay tuned