Pre-Download is live.
If anybody comes across a beta key, I’d be interested. I didn’t preorder, so I don’t get to play earlier.
So, anybody try the beta?
I was only able to play last night and today.
They say it’s a 2-3 month old build, but it’s looking rough.
I had bad performance with everything on medium @ 2k.
Numerous glitches and bugs.
The design decisions for a few things are questionable, particularly in the specialist/no-class system.
The map for the beta is Orbital with huge open spaces and they offer only Conquest. While Conquest is a great open world sandbox mode, it’s not really the best to offer a lot of continuous excitement. On numerous times, I ran for over 5 minutes just to get some where. More often than not, once I arrived, was immediately shot from some random unknown location miles away.
I’m going to hang back on this release and see if the things get worked out and improved. Since the release is just a week and a half before Thanksgiving, maybe there will be a good discount and maybe I will pick it up then.
Certainly sounds like battlefield

even IL2 offline
I played the beta and it ran excellent on 1440p on Ultra.
It was rather glitchy, but I am not worried for launch.
I finally had the classic battlefield experience again, where my mates all joined eachother al those years back with BF2, BC2 and BF3.
We haven’t had this experience in a long while, so I am very excited for the full release.
I do agree that the classless system needs a little tweaking. I actually like that each specialist has a unique skill but otherwise you’re free to choose your loadout. Where the problem lies is feedback in the UI to see what loadout others of your squad have selected. Currently its impossible to round out your squad if you aren’t running with friends.
Also there is no compass aside from ADS. But I understand that’s a known issue and will be fixed for release.
I truely feel its going to be an excellent BF installment, but if you like more compact gameplay CoD is the way to go and has always been.
Watch the latest, action-packed trailer for Battlefield 2042 for a look at Hazard Zone, a new multiplayer experience coming to the first-person shooter game.
I’m just happy there are no lasers and cloaking LOL! I hate lasers and cloaking.
Looking good! I love ballistics.
That’s actually looking pretty sweet!
New over the top crazy as per usual Battlefield 2042 trailer featuring RTX tech for those of you lucky enough to have a 30 series …
Yesterday, Early Access launch day madness, was… meh. But it’s launch day, so my expectations are low. More than half of the time I was unable to connect to 2042 servers, like many others. I ended up playing the included Classic BF/Bad Company 2, BF3 maps which I had no issues connecting to. Aside from that, when I was able to connect and play, the game ran smooth for me. Graphic settings untouched after install (High), I was seeing 70-90 fps.
This morning, squeezed in a couple of hours. MUCH better experience. No connection issues. I’m sure we’ll see a patch next week and things will iron out in the coming weeks.
I was busy on launch day but I’m tinkering around with it today. I’m not disappointed! Playing 4K Ultra settings thanks to DLSS (set to Quality). I think the 3080 is helping.
I heard there were performance issues, even with monster hardware. That’s not your experience?
I heard the game is tasking CPUs, perhaps moreso than GPU.
I heard that yesterday before I bought it too. There’s that one “don’t buy it” guy on YouTube who says it plays like crap on his 3070 (or maybe 3060) on a intel 6600K cpu at 1080p and worse with 1440p. I suspect he hasn’t tried DLSS since he didn’t mention a thing about DLSS!
When I hear something like that, I just buy it anyway LOL! I see it as a challenge to see how my own system handles it. I’m running at 4K on Ultra people! (3080 with a AMD Ryzen 7 5800X)
I’m going to get into it more right now but I haven’t noticed any crazy bottlenecks so far. I’ll let you know if I see anything bad.
I have the standard version on pre-order (I wasn’t going to pay £30 extra just to play a week early) for PC as the BETA ran great on my PC. Are people saying that means nothing and performance is totally different to the BETA or just scare mongering?
I’m just taking a break from 2042 … the in game vsync doesn’t seem to be working … I’m getting like 70 or 80+ FPS running at 4K on Ultra LOL! I have to set the vsync in the NVIDIA graphics settings so that the card is running 60 FPS and not burn out my vid card.
EDIT: Getting a consistent 60 fps with hardware vsync. I’m really starting to like this game!
I am totally in love with BF2042!
Full disclosure: Our gaming group met in BF2 back in the day, swapped to FarCry 1 and back to the BF franchise, but haven’t found our jam in that series since BF1 came out. So, once we found out BF2042 not only is a return to modern ops, but also included some kind of timetravel mode to play old stuff we were hyped!
And the game doesn’t dissapoint!
The new stuff is pretty awesome, but the star of the show has to be Portal! Playing ‘remastered’ versions of old maps from 1942, BC2 and BF3 is freakin awesome! They even remastered all the assets to bring them up to BF2042 visual fidelity.
The stock experiences of the old games is a nice peek into the progression (or regression) of the games, but the Portal editor allows you to tweak game mode settings like there is no tomorrow. It’s unprecendented and has so much potential.
Performance is blazing hot on my rig as well. I’ve not heard complaints from my mates either.
The often read arguments about Specialists being a step back I personally don’t get.
Its a good thing weapons are unlocked for all classes now and class only defines a special ability. And with unlockable skins people will start to look different enough soon.
Besides, in every BF all soldiers looked similar so far.
In the beta you couldn’t see what your teammates carried and that did make rounding out a squad difficult, but thats fixed for release. Compass has been implemented to be always visible as well.
I’ve come across a few clipping issues so far and the Hoovercrafts riding up walls is probably not as intended lol! But otherwise the experience has been smooth and super fun!