BMS 4.33 teaser video (it's released!)


Starting the download now… Just saying, but for the fly-in next month, y’all might seriously want to consider asking folks if there would be any interest in adding BMS to the mix. Between the GOG sale of the original .exe that works with the BMS, and the release of 4.33, it’s almost like Chopstick Louie and the rest of the Microprose team are smiling down on us.

Did you do the same thing as I did @Fridge on your first 4.33 play - I bet you did? :wink:

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I dunno why they pumped so many ressources into other planes. I don’t see the appeal of a Hornet with Viper MFD pages.

Sometimes you really want a beautiful rich craft beer to drink, but when you’re really thirsty, a cold generic bud will do just fine. :smile:

I’ve already considered it, @Navynuke99, and we’re going to keep this upcoming Fly-In DCS-centric. I do want to do other Fly-Ins, such as a BMS Fly-In, however. With 4.33 just released, maybe we’ll do that sooner rather than later. :wink:

If anybody’s interested in hosting some Nugget workshops, some training TEs, and a honest-to-Cosmos real dynamic campaign, give me a PM!

When you can’t be with the one you love…get with someone who looks at least a little like them. :wink:

Awesome. :smile:

Nice!!! Small Diameter Bombs! Awesome!!!

guys this update is AMAZING ! @Sargoth u got to learn how to fly this game :slight_smile: Dynamic Campaign there will save away all the editing on mission making :wink:

Time to reinstall BMS. Just when am I going to play…
Too much cool stuff to play for the time I have available for this.

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Hoping to have the computer up in the new house Sunday, can’t wait to try it. Very exciting news.

Although… What’s with the AOA indexer in Frog’s screen? That’s not right… Also, why is it on with the gear up?

sure man im waiting for a flight with ya ! :slight_smile:

this Dynamic Campaign even better with for 4.33 ! :slight_smile:

Ask yourself, do you really want to be that guy? :smile:

Also if it’s just that the buttons are somewhere else but the reactions are the same… yeah i really don’t like the mental cinema that goes along with that metaphor. :wink:

What were we talking about again?

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I spent 10 bucks to have a look and it proved that trailer videos can be a bit deceiving, Being a study sim enthusiast I can appreciate Falcon 4,0 for that but after flying DCS 1.5 and seeing what is ahead with NTTR and Straits of Hormuz I can’t justify investing much time with this sim. Immersion is vital for me and although 4.33 is better it’s still a visual antique IMO.

Honestly Falcon is one of the best Sims out there. Yes its dated but the dynamic campaign alone is well worth the play. It still remains to be one the best sims out there. IMO

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for me its not about the graphic. I just lately switched back to old IL2 1946 from IL2 BOS. BOS has all the fancy graphics but lacking the online content.

I just saw the trailer, just GREAT! :+1:

first part of the manual

I hope the first page is:

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LOL. Flashbacks from Falcon forums. That must have been the most popular question, FAQ, sticky, and persistent problem.

For BMS it’s probably going to be “PLS HALP HOW DO I REMOVES WHEEL CHALKS!??!!!1!?”.