I went through build-in training, but couldn’t attach to the launching mechanism. What magic do I need to get hooked on?
Get close to the sled and press “U”.
And when you get the throttle past 100%, your plane will launch shortly thereafter. Make sure to use the takeoff checklist.
Thanks. I’ve spend way too much time today trying to get connected by aligning and lowering/raising launch bar.
I don’t get why there is a key command for hooking onto the cat sled.
IRL they seem to taxi towards the sled, lower the bar and then some colorshirt hooks it up.
But I guess this will be improved with the Supercarrier module…
VTOL VR for the win!
I simulate the skittle with an external view
I think it’s a combination of the cat operator taking tension on the launch bar with the shuttle (done from IIRC the deck edge control station on the catwalks), and the ABE (green shirt) installing the holdback (the long rod thingy with a preloaded shear bolt designed to break at a certain force level once the catapult firing begins), since we don’t have the ability to do those ourselves.
It makes sense to me, especially since we don’t have any flight deck directors to put us precisely where we need to be, or if needed, gather the whole rainbow to help do this:
The guy in the 18 must be shaking his head going…“rookie”.
I preordered the carrier as it was 50% off. I was uncertain about full price, but for half price I’m in.
We had a good laugh over that from our vantage point on Vulture’s Row.
Had a nice session of touch-n-goes on a carrier today. “U” button works as advertised.
Now I need to learn how to fly “Navy” style. Who the hell though power was for “altitude” and pitch was for “attitude”.
Took me too long to figure out what you meant. I kept looking for the number 18 on the aircraft.
I always laugh at that story that runs through the pilot circles. The pitch versus power debate. Paraphrasing the story, there was an old guy flying with this young Navy dude. The Navy kid was trying to explain the concept of pitch for speed, power for altitude and the old guy wasn’t having any of it. So lining up for takeoff, the old guy starts pumping the yoke back and forth rapidly and says to the kid “I’m building up some airspeed kid…when we reach V1, shove those throttles forward and get us some altitude…”
I remember that from flightschool…
I always considered it as a way to think, when flying slow. As in ”Throttle before stick”. Or, when flying a manual approach. If you try to follow the glideslope with pitch, you can get out of synch if you lag behind with your throttles.
But then we have flightdirectors that tells you…what pitch you should have…
So, when flying coupled, in the Dash, George adjusts altitude with pitch and wants me to take care of speed with manual throttles.
Loved that story!
I had a good time last night on the Hoggit Training server. It was like 2AM. All I did was auto-start an F/A-18C at an airfield, takeoff empty of weapons, dumped fuel until I got out to the carrier, and then proceeded to do about a dozen traps and cats. I think I probably had about eight successful traps and about four bolters. I started my first approach with about 3,500 lbs. of fuel and on my last trap I landed with 200 lbs.
It looked great in VR…I haven’t been flying the Hornet at all lately, but what a great module. Another MP user came out and did a pattern, bolter, and landing…and one other guy came out and promptly did a rampstrike. Fun stuff.
It would definitely be fun to have a Mudspike Alpha Strike mission some night. I’d have to have something easy though…like dropping Mk-84s on a movie theater or baby milk factory or something, because I know jack-all about the Hornet weapons now.
Sure! Let’s organize something with the Mudspike Gang.
Sure! Let’s organize something with the Mudspike Gang!
Sure! Let’s organize something with the Mudspike Gang!
Sure! Let’s organize something with the Mudspike Gang!
Luckily, we know a guy who may be able to help with that…