Btw, this forum can host files in posts, as well as the usual images (if you own the file, or have permission to republish of course). The ‘upload’ just allows things like .txt, .7z and .zip for now, but we could easily enable it for PDF’s etc if it was useful to the community.
@BeachAV8R I’m a big fan of your website: it has a professional presentation and top quality content. I even check Mudspike before I read the newspaper. If the stuff I write could help even just one guy, I would consider my goal achieved.
@fearlessfrog There is a condensed list of the stuff I did for DCS. Currently working on the A-10C… having a blast so far.
If he offered these in printed and bound format he’d make a killing…well…probably not because those ventures never seem to work out…(aka Nic Cole (rip))…
They are very good, and a real timesaver when coming back to a module (there are a few nowadays!) and thinking, hmm, what’s that start-up order again??
@Chuck_Owl’s msg showing a master list of all his DCS guides here:
In case you’re interested, I updated the list with more guides (gasp) like the Ka-50 and the Mi-8.
Master List:
There are also other guides for Cliffs of Dover and BoS, which were a lot of fun (and pain) to do. Used lots of pretty pictures graciously provided by the community.
If you ever want a more permanent home to these, like if you had a web domain name you wanted to use with a simple menu page etc, then I’m happy to help in any way @Chuck_Owl. Let us know!