I knew I should have named my son Charles Neil Frishmuth…
Also hail? Rough ride.
Tough bird.
Wow that looks expensive!
It was actually an easy fix, all they had to do is remove the wheel/tire assemblies, and install a new aircraft onto them.
I mean honestly- I have no idea if that would be actually a write off for spares…
The Razbam Harrier 12 months from now?
Oooof, too soon!
That’s some beautiful flying… I need to check out his channel.
I liked how he mentioned the FAR, undoubtedly to avoid having a bunch of reports filed, and that he mentioned that the risk is debatable.
What he does in that video has added and elevated levels of risk. But then again, so does a lot of things. As long as he’s not subjecting someone else to those risks, he can of course do whatever he wants.
With a stall speed only slightly north of Jesse Owen’s sprint, I’d feel pretty safe doing anything, anywhere in a cub so long as it is daylight.
If Jesse Owens ran full speed into a concrete wall, he would’ve hurt himself…
True. But although I didn’t watch the video I assume that playing chicken with concrete walls wasn’t part of the content.
No, it wasn’t. I just hoped you would see my point, that slow speed can be fast enough, given the circumstances.
The content I was referring to was that he flew very close to water. And an engine failure at that height could easily mean tipping over in the sea. There’s a reason why people flying over water a lot, train in dunkers. Maybe he has such training. I don’t know. He flew with the door open though. As a risk mitigation or just for the cool breeze?
I just thought it was nice that he touched on the subject of legality and safety, basically saying that he is alone, legal and accept the risks.
Love the fact that he has the ability and freedom to do the flying he wants to, but a little too much acceptance of risk for me to go out and do the same. Agree with where you’re coming from 100%.
An engine failure even with the wheels inches off the water isn’t going to result in an instant dunk unless the pilot is slow to react. In that plane flying super low is, to me, safe enough. It is far, far, far safer than taking a student on a single-engine night cross-country, which we’ve all done because our governments required it of us. Anyway, I try not to judge other people unless they are putting their passengers or people on the ground in danger. Flying gets infinitely more fun (SOLO) when outside one’s comfort zone.
Eric, I think maybe you got stuck at the Max Stanley quote, in my post.
I’m not judging this guy either.
At about 4 minutes into the flight, he talks about regs and risk, which I just thought was nice. Shows that he considers risk and adhere to regulations.
Also, in his video description he talks about engine failures low over water. I’m not going to copy it in here because the all seeing eye of yt could see it and they would probably sue me
As I said, in my first post on the subject, there are other stuff we do that has risks too and flying single engine airplanes over land isn’t risk free either. Nothing ever is. All I’m saying is that one should be aware of risks and consider them.
And it seems like this youtuber does that and I thought that was nice to see, when thinking of other youtubers out there, who doesn’t seem to care about their own own safety, nor the safety of others…
And Max Stanley was right. A Cub can kill you.
Not that it should ever stop anyone from flying one.
I get it @Troll. “A cub can kill you”. Well, he’s right, in the sense that a tricycle or a LEGO X-Wing can kill you. Anything is killable. But the Cub’s extreme low speed makes it just about the least killable single-engine airplane out there. Having not watched the video I have way past commented too much. I think I was triggered by what I imagined to be the judgemental hordes who frequent SM with their “Well actually…” commentary. Those people are as loathesome as the click-bait artists they feed upon.