Civil Aviation Ministry of Information thread

I guess that in some mode of self-delusion I should be excited about this. My company is the launch customer and Boom still claims passenger flights in 2029–well before I retire.

But no. That thing is vaporware. Looks cool. A handful of people will get very, very rich at each stage of progress. Great. NYC to FRA in half the time at 10 times the price. 4:30 is still a long time to be in a jet. I’ll eat my hat when they’ve got engines for the life-sized version.

Maybe I should flesh out my cynicism a bit. If this was a Gulfstream initiative, like the tie in with Sukhoi many years ago, I might believe it could be profitable. As a smaller jet designed to carry the very wealthiest who simply want to be seen being carried, why not? But building it as an airliner is a bit like having Walmart sell Bentleys. Maybe Emirates could swing it. As a mideast vanity project it is no sillier than buying a British football club. And Emirates doesn’t really need to turn a profit.

Don’t care to waste another post so I’ll put it here. Just watched the Widerøe video above. What a wonderful airline you have there, @Troll!


I’m thinking that a business jet would be the obvious evolutionary step.


I was always mesmerised by rotors at night through NVGs… they sparkle.


Now, as problems go, this ain’t the biggest one…
Does this video belong in the Civil Aviation thread?

The Marine One is a military helicopter.
But it transports POTUS, who is a elected govt. official.

Is that a civilian? Well, POTUS isn’t a military title, is it? But Commander in Chief is, right?

But then again, Marine One is behaving in a civil manner, as it isn’t shooting at anyone… :thinking:

I really should’ve just watched that cool video of the helicopter taking off, shouldn’t I…?

Now my head hurts! :wink:


Sea King :heart_eyes:


We could classify it as military or civil, I guess. So, the only logical way to proceed is to put the first half of the video in one thread and the second half in the other :laughing:


Nah, everyone knows you should crop it straight down the middle and post each side in the respective thread. :rofl:


Look, this 767 is imitating that cool Eurofighter that we saw a few weeks ago:

(Nice job by the pilots though, looks as good as it could I guess)


The fire fighters be like
”The fire went out. Ah, WTH, I’ll spray it anyway!”
”Yeah, me too!”
”I’m in!”
”Cool! I hit the aircraft!”


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The 767 is funny. In a fun way. It lands with a very satisfying nose-high attitude. When you fly with people new to it you have to remind them to actively rotate the nose down. For most jets, all planes really, you sorta hold the nose off. But if you do that for too long on the 767, it plops. They did fine. But they had to weigh the amount of damage of letting the nose touch more gently but at higher speed against letting it “plop” at a lower speed. They chose “plop”.


It’s a firefighter thing…

“Hey, you got me out here and I have a couple of thousand litres of water and foam. I’m gunna use it” :stuck_out_tongue:


Makes sense! :grin:


I think it was the right choice, let the MEC be damned and have the skin and engines grind as little as possible on the ground to mitigate heat as much as possible. If a fuel tank would rupture you want as little heat sources as possible nearby(you cant really mitigate the engines expect pull all the extuingishers).

I wonder if they also pulled the FWD and AFT cargo bottles?

Anyway, fire services sure did a good job killing any chance of a fire coming to life.


@TheAlmightySnark! No doubt you’ve been around. But I guess we’ve been active in different circles as I feel like I haven’t seen you in awhile. Well anyway, nice to see you!

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Been lurking every now and then but yeah busy in other places! Still have a fondness for Mudspike so no worries!

Also been really into Simracing the past 2 years. Got a nice fanatec set last summer and a foldable setup so been doing a lot of that! Busy at work as well so mostly been chilling out doing fun things and not as much reading on forums :wink:


How great is this? No pressure to be a pilot - dad is going to name you Amelia and fly you around in a J-3 when you are barely able to walk and talk, LOL. So wonderful regardless.


Coming from the Challenger, which approaches the runway with a very flat attitude, I had to force myself to pull back for the flare when I moved to the Global. My perception was that I was already flaring as the nose felt high already . I had several landings that would be better described as seismic events.

You also have to actively de-rotate before you lose pitch authority. Using the auto-brake system makes things interesting too. I have not flown the Global 7500, but it is my understanding that the FBW system de- rotates for you.


Oof, that is some damage. The cockpit windows look like it was a bit scary.


This reddit post has more pics.