Civilian oriented gameplay in DCS World

It stil looks really lovely! :slight_smile:

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It’s like DCS meets ARMA meets Fallout…

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It has held up pretty well. Yeah, the city and ground textures are a bit muddy/blurry, but overall it does a really nice job. I really wish that Hind add-on had managed to generate at least a good campaign…it never took off though…

This is still one of my favorite things (as I’ve mentioned countless times) about Arma/ToH and how you can leave the helo and take on an entirely different role during a mission. It will be interesting to see if DCS will eventually allow for this (like exiting a helo and getting into a vehicle to control). Ultra realistic - no…but fun? Heck yeah!


Helicopter/Hurt Locker mode!

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Once you’ll get the hang of it, there’s a helipad in the mountain, west of Vegas, in the editor it’s marked as “Prince Creek Mountain Helipad”. Really challenging :slight_smile:

Wow, indeed. It looks really pretty. I’ll have to reinstall it one of these days

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This is great, EightBall. Thank you for your time.


Thank you very much, EightBall! DCS NEEDS that kind of thing! Actually, I would love to fly a DCS 707 out of McCarran!

The very day I got Vegas up and running, I created a (very) simple mission for the Huey. I had to cold start, take off from McCarran, fly to Wag’s Spaghetti interchange to rescue some traffic accident victims (just land, sit for a second and watch the fire), then fly to an imaginary hospital (some hotel near downtown somewhere), drop off the injured (open and close the side doors), and land back at McCarran. On the way to the scene, I had managed to set a trigger that caused several big explosions in a vehicle on the side of the road near the fire trucks. Some of the fire trucks exploded, too. (I hadn’t planned it that way but it sure was nice to see as I approached the already burning wreckage.)

So, to make my point, ME? Like civilian scenarios? Absolutely!

My only concern with the hospital mods to 2.0 is that they are modifications. I am terrified of screwing up my pure install of Vegas and the Caucasus. If it requires changing files, I will decline. With that said:

EightBall, is it possible to get ED and crew to incorporate your mods into the official releases? Is there any “real” fire trucks in 2.0? (I had stalked a cop car, one day, with my trusty Huey.)


First of all, running the repair command is easy, you open a command prompt in the /bin directory of DCS Beta/Alpha, and then run the ‘DCS_Updater.exe repair’ command. It’ll fix whatever files are not original or broken.

Secondly, almost everyone uses JSGME to manage mods, you can easily turn them on or off at your own leisure.


Thanks again for the support :slight_smile:
Such a difference with the ED forums or hoggit, really feels like swimming against the stream over there.
I don’t remember how many times I’ve been asked if “I knew what the C in DCS stands for”…uhm…Civilian ?

Like Almighty Snark said, JSGME (or OvGME) is the way to go for mods :wink:
But if you really don’t want mods, the template will work fine without them, you’ll just miss the hospitals and landing pads on the casino strip.

This probably not going to happen anytime soon.
The problem is civilian gameplay in DCS is a niche, DCS itself is a nice in the flight sim genre and the flight genre is a niche in the vast video game industry. Nicheception lol.

Creating and incorporating these assets in the game takes time and ED probably consider the ratio between time required and number of people happy with that to be to low right now.
I can foresee the uproar on the forums if the community finds out ED has spend time on civilian stuff instead of fixing X,Y,Z issues.

I do hope that at some point ED will make the NTTR assets (building, objects,…) available in the mission editor but there’s no guarantee. Some of the new cargos objects (trunks, containers,…) are actually from a modder, Upuaut, and they use to be available as mods.

In the meantime I’ll do my best to support this kind of gameplay with what we have.
While waiting for the 2.0.6 update I’m trying to create a coast guard mission on the caucasus map.
I hope I’ll have a few hair left when it’s complete :smiley:


Anti-civil and training aircraft positions by some in the user community baffle me. The goal is a more living and breathing world (in a world that has already been accused of being sterile) so it benefits the more combat oriented users to have even better civilian models, objects, traffic, etc… I don’t see how it degrades their experience. The only real argument that can be made is that it might sap some resources away from those that would otherwise be building combat type stuff for DCS, but maybe, just maybe the civilian stuff will grow the user base such that even more people get brought in and dabble with the combat stuff. Mostly preaching to choir here I know…but the “no civil stuff in Digital Combat Simulator” is a tired argument and certainly is not forward thinking enough. Even if you never intend to drive a Cessna or Piper.


These people think it’s a zero-sum game, and it’s exactly the opposite. Developers building civilian aircraft will gain experience, and thus a bigger talent pool for development is fostered. You can’t just start off with little experience and think it’ll go easy…

Oh well, perhaps one day Carenado will be willing to port over a Cessna? 337 anyone?


How cool would that be with a companion A-6 module?

And I agree. Getting civil side pilots into DCS World is only a good thing. Imagine flying NTTR missions and looking over and seeing McCarran buzzing with civilian MP traffic that are shooting approaches and patterns. Also, there are lots of civil aviation minded pilots who are put off by war stuff (we get an occasional letter to that effect to the magazine) but there are also some who will see the bombs going off and the combat stuff and say…“hmm…I’d like to dip my toe into that pool” and there ya’ go, you have expanded the combat pilot user base. The helo dynamics and intricate systems model and damage model alone are a very good lure for civilian type pilots. The biggest hangups are (of course) the poor ATC and the limited flying areas. I’m hopeful we’ll get there at some point. It would be nice to see ED adopt some sort of low res World model (think FSX type world) with embedded high detail terrain areas for their campaigns. I can dream…


Oh…and we need this:



I’m in tears, so many like-minded people in here

I couldn’t agree more with you guys.
I don’t blame the DCS community tho.
For decades now, there has been an “apartheid” in the flight sim genre. It’s either a combat sim or a civilian sim.

Hopefully things will improve with time.
To me, a good middle ground would be the introduction of support aircraft. Unarmed but still usefull in a combat scenario. How about a C-123 Provider :smiley:


A MedEvac role for the UH-1H would be fantastic!

The Mi-8 campaign already dabbles with that, having you pickup sick soldiers of a mountain outpost.


I’ve been waiting for this since the UH-1H release. I know you can do it right but it involves a lot of imagination.
Would also love to see proper CSAR being implemented. I know it’s doable with scripts and some server like Open Conflict do use it but still, it serves no real purpose, it’s more about pleasing the helo pilots than anything else.

If there was a feature to limit the number of pilot in a mission those CSAR would have a lot more importance.
Say you have 20 aircraft slots and 40 pilots available. So everyone can die once but if everyone dies twice, well, the mission is over.
Doing so would make CSAR mission important for the entire allied team as well as the OPFOR team.

Well, I don’t know what their exact plan with this but:

[quote=“The Battle Simulator website”]
Using our partnerships, it is our priority to build a broad array of aircraft systems and terrains, to the point of modeling the entire globe.[/quote]
Hopefully it will happen with DCS too :grinning:

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I was dreaming just about the same few days back… :wink:

and this will be my dream for the few next :relieved:

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Loved the mission @EightBall - just finished it. The Tromp bit was great :slight_smile:

Do more please! :slight_smile:

Thanks! There are more in the pipes :slight_smile:

@Stars & stripes, burger & fries lovers
According to you, what area of the caucasus map looks the more similar to US coast ?
Around Batumi ? Sochi ? Novros…Norovo…erh, those cities near the Kerch strait ?
Just asking for a friend :stuck_out_tongue: