“Sun, sand, and burning flattops.” -@Combat_Pilot_Jason
That was a good listen, I like how upfront he is about out how long things like this take.
hopefully they are not going to reinvent the wheel, just sayin
Although I skipped ahead at times I am kinda excited… But, as an Antipodean I am obviously biased about a recreation of the Pacific Theatre during WWII.
I’m Very Intrigued for the prospect of using Unigine Engine
…as long as it includes the RN/FAA
As long as we can customise skins, and assuming there is some land somewhere in the game, it will include the RAAF and RNZAF
On the Discord I asked for RAAF and RNZAF types such as the Beaufort, Beaufighter and PBY Catalina. Jason responded saying the Beaufort cockpit might be too complex but was more positive about the Beaufighter and Catalina. I then joked about not asked for a CAC Boomerang and he said that would be easier. I’m paraphrasing. I certainly think Jason could get this up in the air with the right financial backing.
Development Diary #3
Dev Diary 4
I like what I see…
DD 05 was posted a few hours ago.
DD 05
Dear Pilots,
Welcome to the last Developer Diary of our inaugural year. What a first year it has been! We’ve managed to form a team, set initial goals, build assets, establish a community, setup lines of communication, get a plane flying in the engine and lay the technical ground work for our playable prototype. We have a long road ahead, but we’re on the road or perhaps I should say that we’re taxing towards takeoff? That’s probably a better analogy.
This developer diary highlights more progress with building important assets that we’ll need and it marks a turning point in our internal and external operations that we’ll speak more about after the turn of the new year. We’re planning some new initiatives that we think you’ll be interested in along with pursuing additional development partnerships that can aid us in our journey. So stay tuned.
Now on to the fun stuff!
Read the rest of Developer Diary-05 at the Combat-Pilot forums.
For those of you not on the Combat Pilot Discord channel there was sort of a mini DD from @Combat_Pilot_Jason earlier today.
Quote: @Combat_Pilot_Jason
Post link @ Discord
The Wildcat external is almost there guys. Here’s a quick render from Chris. He’s doing a fantastic job on it. Next DD will be around Feb. 1st and in February we’ll announce some other things as well. Have a great weekend everyone.
Quote: @Combat_Pilot_Jason
Post link @ Discord
And to be fair here is a recent one of the Zeke.
good stuff!!!
Developer Diary 06 dropped yesterday, February 08, 2024
Originally Posted by “Jason Williams @ combatpilot.com”
DD 06:
(Posted February 08, 2024)
Dear Pilots,Welcome to our first Developer Diary of 2024! We’ve been busy working on all aspects of our prototype as you can imagine and we have recently expanded our team a little bit further with the addition of a new Senior Programmer named Fred. Wish him good luck!! He’s a brave man.
Our main areas of focus continue to be flight-modeling and systems for both the A6M2 and F4F-4, more instrumentation, and support for controllers. We are also now engaged in sound work for both planes. Our development goals remain modest and for the remainder of our first fiscal year, but we are making steady progress. We still plan to participate in FS Expo, assuming they can book a new venue now that the Tropicana Hotel is closing in April. We plan to show you what we have flying at that point and have attendees take the stick. Actually, we could show you some in-flight footage today, but it’s quite ugly and raw, so we’ll wait until things look a little bit more attractive.
On a general note, we’ve received many, many requests for features and content since we went public and we love hearing what you’d like to see in Combat Pilot so please don’t stop. The enthusiasm for what we’re making is fantastic and we appreciate it. However, just keep in mind that making a combat flight-sim is tough, and there are strong headwinds we must fight to reach our destination. Nothing in this genre is ever easy and like most start-ups, our limiting factors are always going to be the budget and manpower, not our imagination, creativity or desire to please the community. So, we are trying to be smart and only bite off what we can chew, avoid mission creep and stay on target! So, if we can’t answer when a particular feature or plane is going to be available, please have patience as we work to reach our first technical milestone this summer. We’ll share more about that goal in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, let’s have a look at some excellent work by our art team since our last update. You’ll see a much bigger splash of color as we start to texture more of our 3D assets You’ll also notice some amazing detail on our carriers that we hope to take advantage of.
Read the rest of Developer Diary - 06 at the Combat-Pilot forums.
To see what others thought of the Developer Diary here is a link to the DD-06 discussion thread at the Combat Pilot forums.
DD-06 Discussion thread: Discussion of Developer Diary #06 - General Discussion - Combat Pilot
Nice one year anniversary update