That sounds great, I’m exploring using a .lua script to trigger SimShaker. The HAV parameters are fairly simple.
Good looking stick mate!
That sounds great, I’m exploring using a .lua script to trigger SimShaker. The HAV parameters are fairly simple.
Good looking stick mate!
Been hacking away at the next part, which is the stem. I decided against using 8040 alu extrusion as that will be unnecessarily heavy. I went for a 80x40x3 rectangular pipe instead. As this is plenty strong for the job, I added a few lightening holes. It saved almost 1/4 of the weight and @smokinhole thinks it looks aviationish and that’s a cool word!
Still waiting for the pulleys. One will sit between the yoke plate and the stem, and another on the side of the stem.
Beautiful work as always @Troll! Those will need to be stout motors to provide meaningful force on such a long arm, no?
Yeah, if you scroll upwards in the thread you’ll see pics of the motors.
I hope they will be enough…
That mini lathe that I bought just before the covid lockdowns has proven to be quite useful!
For those situations when you need an axle with some special dimensions…
Kudos for keeping the chatter in the threads to a minimum. Overall finish looks pretty reasonable too.
Thanks, but I guess I didn’t present the whole truth… It’s a threaded 14mm rod that I turned down to 10mm and then cut the short threads into that. The threads to the right came with the rod
I understood this looking at it, and I thought it turned out very nicely!
My original idea was to have a stationary axle and rotate (roll) the stick assembly around the axle. This involved a self lubricating sleeve bearing and a couple of thrust (axial) bearings.
Now I’m second guessing this design.
Maybe it’s better to mount two opposing flange bearing blocks and have the axle rotate in these bearings.
At first I discarded this design as I was afraid that the bearings would be pulled out or become misaligned inside the bearing block.
But if I oppose them, that should work, right…?
coming along nicely
I got the package with my pulleys today!
Well, almost. I ordered four pulleys. Two were delivered as ordered, one was the wrong dimension and one was missing…
I bought them off ebay, from china. That’s unfortunately the only option I know of. If anyone know of a online shop that has a good selection of timing gear pulleys, let me know.
I will look into designing my own pulleys and 3D print them. This is what most FFB stick builders seem to do anyway.
So, as it turned out, the ebay seller had sent the missing pulley after all. It was in a second package. They only bothered to send me the tracking number for one package, so I didn’t know I should be expecting two…
And I made the pulley with the wrong dimensions work for me. Had to do some thinking and modifying, but it turned out really nice.
Some pics.
Here’s the missing pulley. It’s the 100 tooth pitch pulley. Quite big and heavy. Weighs in at 1,1 Kg. I’m looking at cutting some lightening holes in it.
I said it all along … eventually there will be a fully functional viggen in your garage
Who says there isn’t one already…
The pitch pulley is heavy. The weight isn’t an issue as such, but more mass means more inertia and that will need a lot of force to accelerate.
1150 g.
An hour at the drillpress later…
778 g
About 30% reduction… Still much heavier than the pulley that I’m printing.
Still room for some smaller lightening holes. Maybe some 10mm near the center and some 20 mm on the outside?
Sure. Say I drill five 20mm and five 10mm holes. That will give me another 110 g.
The one in the printer will be much lighter though…
20hrs later…
166 g… The metal pulley is of course much stronger, but this printed one is strong enough.
The teeth mesh perfectly with the belt.
20hr printing time though…
I have ordered a Creality Sonic Pad That I’m hoping will cut the printing time in half…