DCS 2.5/2.7 Update Thread (2021)


I’m not just asking for drama, only for more ways to make that journey interesting. Like the ol’ training missions. Maybe some sense of progression… Checkpoints in your learning process:

Ok, now that you know how to do a cold start, take off, land and use dumb bombs, let’s try doing it all in a training sortie.

OK, remember ADF? yeah, lets do a IFR flight only using ADF, just for fun…
-Great, you did it. There you go, you got your ADF badge in your pilot sheet, here’s a cookie.

Stuff like this can already dramatize the experience. You just think to yourself for the first time. “I hopped up on a cold F18, took off, dropped my bombs on a container and landed, all by myself!”

I feel like the sandbox approach is really empowering for experienced pilots, and there is definitely a component of thoroughness and attention to detail in aviation, but I still feel there are some simple things we could do to make it easier to new pilots to pick it up. And by doing so, they will make it easy for casual pilots to return (my case)…

But I’m just brainstorming here totally off topic. The much more relevant information is that those clouds are too pretty to pass up. I’m buying a new USB HUB (mine broke) so I can reconnect all the mess of HOTAS and headtracking, and I’m saving to get a module or two (supercarrier, some campaigns, maybe Syria), because I’m coming back.


I keep thinking how cool would the missions (and training) from the original Dynamix A 10 Tank Killer look in DCS. WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE

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There was a guy started to do the missions from Falcon AT in DCS. Project petered out afaik.

Anyway, shouldn’t be too hard, would it?

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I’m really thinking about it…
I think that if we leave out the voice overs (or re-record them) it’s not that hard to make them…

@schurem dude, we should totally make a third party dev and re-make for DCS all old games scripted missions!


I’m game. Can’t fly-test anything for weeks, maybe months though…

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Animated GIF

I know nothing about DCS mission making but would love to help remaking the old Graphic Sim’s F-18 Hornet 2.0 missions as well as the Korea add on (using Caucasus as a stand in).

I think I still remember all the missions by heart…

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I’m hip. Onboard with every bit. Nice to hear others with the same ideas too.

I’ll do the voices.

I had an idea some time ago to remake the USNF campaign in DCS. You already have part of Black Sea region (though not as big as in USNF), you have F-14 and F/A-18 which did most of the work in that campaign as well as Su-33 (in USNF there was also infinite supply of A-7 and navalized F-22 introduced later in the campaing which are missing in DCS, though you have F-22 mod but not carrier certified). There was also F-104 but it wasn’t available in the campaign for obvious reasons.

The cool part is that you can pretty easlily open every campaign mission from USNF in the editor and recreate every unit in DCS with their waypoints and tasks basically. It would take some fine tuning to get the DCS missions to play more or less as those in USNF (map scale differences etc), but it would be doable.

Maybe after 2.7 hits I will be motivated enough to actually do it. Though my mission editing skills in DCS are pretty basic. Perhaps I would learn something out of it.

After new Pacific map hits DCS, Marine Fighters Kuril Campaign could also be feasible.


I could use that kinda help at some point.

Currently I’ve recruited David, Kira, Mark and Richard - from the MS speech thingy. For procedural stuff ‘they’ get the point across well enough. It’s the briefing and other info stuff where they lack a little…hmm…character I guess. When you’re trying to chain together something like a heading, altitude, bearing, I doubt it would matter, beyond variety.

Even though I have a tool to help build the audio clips, it is time consuming.

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Patch Today but not 2,7

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Posted May 14, 2020

Stable Version

Currently version number: DCS

Next update: To be announced

Open Beta Public testing build

Currently version number: DCS Open Beta

Next update: 17th February 2021 - 2.5.6 crash fix focused patch.

Thank you

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Posted 4 hours ago

DCS Open Beta

DCS World

  • Crash in avArmamentControl_AYK22_F18 - fixed.
  • MP. Crash from the conflict between different versions of the Tarawa ship scripts - fixed.
  • MP. New network predictor for aircraft.
  • Crash Stack Overflow crash on wcWing::trySelectAndAssignTargetGroup - fixed.
  • AI WWII. AI will follow in climb until overheat - fixed.

DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations

  • M-2000 Autostart crash - fixed.

DCS F/A-18C Hornet by ED

  • Reduced sound stutter on close up views.

DCS F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur

  • Crash in handler of “SENSORS” device - fixed.


DCS: F-5E Black Sea Resolve '79 Campaign by Sorel:

  • F5-R-C7.miz Helicopters colliding midair fix. Flightpath and altitude modified to create enough separation.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Pontus Campaign by 373vFS_Greg, 373vFS_Petritis, Baltic Dragon:

  • Corrected PDF files.

F-86F Hunters over the Yalu Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Flak defenses fine tuned for survivability.

F/A-18C Hornet - The Serpent’s Head 2 Campaign by Badger 633:

  • Mission 7. Marshall vehicle drifted to different route and prevented another vehicle from accessing a critical trigger - fixed.

DCS: AV-8B Sky Warrior Campaign by Eagle86:

  • Marks of the main targets on the map F10.
  • Simplified of several missions.
  • Increased time for completing tasks.
  • Basic dialogs play automatically if the player is idle.
  • Ability to turn off music in the radio menu.

DCS: F-16C Red Flag 21-1 Campaign by Bunyap Campaigns:

  • Corrected Nellis AFB ATC frequency in all documents.
  • Corrected frequency for the northern tanker in all missions.
  • Mission 8 - corrected player radio channel presets.

DCS: Rising Squall by INVERTED

  • General Fix- Version postmark added for all missions

  • M12 - Lost liveries for Aegis-2 - Fixed

  • M12 - Conflict of “last warning” dialogue for Aegis-3 - Fixed

  • M12 - If player get too close to one of the escorts (Chainmail), it will trigger the next stage.

  • M11 - Add Tips for homebase waypoint.

  • M10 - Last task needs more detailed tips - Added

  • M10 - Lowered possibility of AAA and CIWS interception possibility.

  • M10 - Fixed BGM loss after WP2

  • M10 - Fixed crash when slew to WP3 outside of 40NMs.

  • M09 - The “mission success” tip is Chinese - Fixed

  • M09 - In certain cases, if REEF-Convoy was destroyed, there were some dialogue conflicts - Fixed

  • M09 - Reef dies but mission continues - Fixed.

  • M06 - The activation time of airport flare and smoke mark has been adjusted - A bit earlier and more obvious.

  • M06 - A new checkpoint before landing was added.

  • M05 - Some tips are more detailed.

  • M04 - Missions Checkpoint File was terminated ahead of schedule - Fixed

  • M04 - When landing to the carrier, it will accidentally activate a group of enemy aircraft that should not exist, leading to mission failure - Fixed

  • M03 - Mission continues if Cargo-1 is hit - Fixed

  • M01 - A dialogue for Aegis-4 had conflict - Fixed

  • Like 4

  • Thanks 3


Weekend News
Dear Fighter Pilots, Partners, and Friends,

We are grateful for the overwhelming customer response from the community during the Free to Play period and thank you for all your exciting feedback. We are working hard to address your reported bugs, requested adjustments, and future enhancements.

The F/A-18C development team is working towards bringing the Hornet a step closer to Release State. We are pleased to inform you of new features such as ATFLIR, WIDE acquisition mode, and PB mode for HARM, which are all currently in development.

Check out some of the great progress being made on the Viper and please take a look at the amazing new Campaign by Baltic Dragon, Operation Pontus.

Once again, thank you for your passion and support.

Yours sincerely,

Eagle Dynamics Team

F/A-18C Hornet



For the next, big Open Beta update, we plan to include several new Hornet features that include:

  • Pre-Briefed (PB) mode for the HARM to include both HRM and A/C sub-modes
  • Self-Protect Pullback (PBLK) mode for the HARM / HRM OVRD
  • Improved HARM TOO handoff for two emitters at once
  • Adjusted AGM-88C HARM flight and seeker dynamics
  • ATFLIR targeting pod
  • Complete remaining Litening targeting pod tasks
  • TDC slew Wide Acquisition (WACQ) ACM mode
  • RAID Single Target Track (STT) mode
  • SPOT radar mode
  • Saving PRF to SET options
  • BRA indication with L&S
  • New elevation tracking model to resolve JHMCS designation drift

F-16C Viper



Our team of dedicated engineers assigned full-time to the Viper is currently working on:

  • Updated flight model dynamics for constant G and drag index for CAT I.
  • Addition of IAM weapons that include JDAM, JSOW, and WCMD.
  • Pre-Briefed (PB) mode for the AGM-88C HARM.

Important development items remaining include:

  • Air-to-Ground radar
  • CRUS page
  • JHMCS Air-to-Ground mode
  • HARM Targeting System (HTS)
  • Electronic Countermeasures
  • And more

Operation Pontus

Baltic Dragon


Operation Pontus is a story driven campaign for the F/A-18C Hornet. As the Commanding Officer, you will plan, design, and execute demanding missions for your squadron. This campaign has day and night missions with different weather conditions against an intelligent and adaptive enemy.

"Operation Pontus” main campaign features:

Up to 30 missions (total number is based on your success rate)

Dynamic Briefings and SITREPs

Decision making and planning

Over 1000 voiceovers creating a dynamic environment

Full use of DCS: Supercarrier

"Every decision counts… Start’ em Up!”

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Pontus campaign by 373vFS_Greg, 373vFS_Petritis, Baltic Dragon

Over the next coming weeks, a massive push is ongoing to prepare for the launch of DCS World 2.7. We are hoping to get there by the end of March and we are full burners on the job.

Thank you again for your passion and support,

Yours Sincerely,

Artboard 2.png


No, thank YOU!

While I’m here…might you, or anyone else, know where I might go to look into submitting a Campaign? Actually, not a campaign but a structure to aid in building missions/campaigns - provides supporting structure so all you have to do is the juicy bits (setup the targeting). Not there yet but it’s progressing. Just curious.



Sorry,I do not.Is it Module specific? Might want to PM Wags or a CM on DCS,Sounds Cool/Fun…Good Luck!!

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Only if I can’t find the codes for the radio’s for a given aircraft; it’s primary function is to provide more communications & control, think ABCC - the surface attack analog to AWACS. So far I’m using the Hornet just fine and I think I have the codes for the A-10, F-16, and AV8. Should be able to get them all however.


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Posted 2 hours ago

DCS Open Beta

DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED:

  • M06. Added a checkpoint before landing.
  • M10. Changed ship position.
  • M11. Added target counter for enemy bombers.
  • M12. Fixed trigger bug causing SU27 to attack too early, slightly adjusted AI logic.
  • M13. Added a few easter eggs.

New Volumetric Clouds

compare with the reach for the skies video


One more month to go (hopefully). :heart_eyes: