It’s what I thought too, but…
I think it’s already there, they’re simply extra polishing it.
Nothing literally wrong with that…
It’s what I thought too, but…
I think it’s already there, they’re simply extra polishing it.
Nothing literally wrong with that…
I’m just happy they waited until after my commander upgrade was finished!
Now, aren’t they nice?
I was convinced it would be released today or Friday. Still another week will fly by (Get it lol)
instead we get one last patch to 1.5 that fixes the AI blowing all his missiles into nowhere. i hope this works.
Expecting it to drop before 11:59:59 January 31st Moscow Standard Time is just opening yourself up to disappointment.
Oh well next wednesday it is then … Yes… It just so happens that next thursday I am on restday from work
I think I need a Huey or Mi-8 now. Save me Heatblur!
Its the Final countdown
The Final countdown…
Its the Final Countdown Whoa Whoaaaaaa!
duhuduhduh duuuuuu duhudhudtuduuuuuuuuu
*shakes huge hair>
more hype than the ED forums, 5 more sleeps
RockPaperShotgun has a simulation oriented series they run every once in awhile called “The Flare Path” … one of today’s features is an interview with Wags about 2.5
For comments on the Flare Path article, please post over here: Article at Rock, Paper, Shotgun - #2 by Fridge
My apologies if this has already been answered, but with all the discussion of how 2.5 is going to be installed and what directories it will pull data from, do you know if I will have the option to install 2.5 in a different directory than my current 1.5 and 2.0?
Back story, I currently have 1.5 and 2.0 installed on my C: drive but would like to install 2.5 on D:. Is 2.5 going to automatically install to the same directory as 1.5 or 2.0, and if I tell it to install to a different directory, will that force it to download 100% of the required data, or will it still copy from locally installed versions?
This post explains it in detail.
Hmm, armed with that knowledge, and of y’all had any experience simply moving your DCS folder to a different location? Guess I’ll try today and see if it borks my DCS setup.
You’ll need/want to edit dcs’ registry entry to point to the new location, but otherwise I remember it being pretty easy
Scenario: 1.5 OB and 2.2 are on a 250gb SSD that is nearly full. Have a third SSD with plenty of space. Will the updater pull 2.2 and 1.5 files if they are located on different drives? Or should I just delete it all and put it on the 500gb SSD?