Ignoring wave–particle duality is a big mistake apparently.
If they had only pulled for power, they could have escaped @near_blind’s wrath. Instead, they are stuck there…pushing frantically on a collective that just won’t budge.
Best thing I ever done. A 15Cm extension and the stick mounted on a Wheelstand Pro
Like this settup
Except I butchered my seat so it sits further between my legs Ergonomics FTW
That looks like an excellent setup. Center stick pwns for VR. Imma look into a DYI hack along those lines. Except the extension, I don’t have the dexterity, know-how and meands to do that. Better just buy one.
My dream is to get a drivers’ seat from the dead-car yard and use that as a flight seat. Comfy and should allow sturdy mounting of peripherals. I just don’t have the free room in my house to do that (yet).
Once the baby is big enough to sleep in a regular people bed, she gets to share her brothers room for five to ten years and I get the baby room for a den
I grabbed a leather seat from a Toyota landcruiser before my 2nd marriage and mounted it on a wooden plinth. I kept the runners and it was so convenient to push the seat back to get in and out and so comfy. Wives can be so fussy IMO
Great one from @chipwich here:
Not quite sure who is who, but the F-15 is currently the aggressor in a 2 vs 1 defensive ACM exercise- the F-5 out in front is trying to drag the F-15 into a bad spot so the trailing F-5 can close in for an easy kill.
I believe that @Bogusheadbox is being chased by aggressor @near_blind, with @Fridge coming to the rescue.
Did it work?
Unless your wingman is abusive, in that case get out of there. You’re better than that.
The exercise was a success in demonstrating the appropriate maneuvers. Did the Tiger drive off or kill the Eagle? Not often.
Great screens
Here is some random screens from all about, some blue flag, some from @near_blind server.
Before the Storm
@Bogusheadbox checking my window for scratches
I think this is @klarsnow @near_blind @Bogusheadbox
@Bogus “Vladimir” Blyat
@near_blind refuelling and @klarsnow in formation
Very nice! Quick question, how do you adjust the sea state?