New Desktop
Ever have one of them days when everything goes right?
I woke up to a beautiful DCS. My overclock was broken again so I fixed it. CPU at 4.7 now.
Busted! Got the rear of the convoy… and on the same pass…
Guns, Guns, Guns!!! Got the front of the convoy. Now they are trapped in the middle
While they burst all around, I attacked the middle with similar results. Made an orbit overhead and watched the fireworks. Its been a good day!
For you… Not for those convoy drivers.
Here observe the Canadian Goose, eating and defecating simultaneously. Evidently, he’s recently had Taco Bell.
Such is the budget of the Canadian Air Force.
We’re fortunate that every year they go en masse formation to strike our neighbors to the south, giving us time to clean up from their reign of terror.
I’m sure I’m late to the party, but I see the tankers have been made to trail their hoses before you call pre-contact. Much more realistic and a very welcome update. Hopefully soon they will make it so you can either tank from both hoses after calling pre-contact, or, allow you to request pre-contact for either the L/H or R/H hose. Also it would be nice if the drogue didn’t abruptly disengage and return to trail once you’ve topped off…
Aah, I noticed that. I thought the comms was bugged or something. Nice!
F-f-f-f-f-frickin’ finally! Thx ED! That’s a step into the right direction.
Worst night of individual flying in the Turkey tonight, but probably the best team outcome! Ran CAP with @Wes and @WreckingCrew and all but two of my missiles missed, out of a total launched of 16. Sparrows went stupid off the rails, Sidewinders got decoyed, and only two Phoenix hits at point blank. One gun kill. On the flip side, no losses and lots of enemy vehicles destroyed as well as several successful aerial refueling trips! Wes had more luck with AIM-9X and AMRAAM, taking down 6 Flankers. On the last flight, got a point blank kill on a Flanker with a Phoenix and turned around to engage his buddy with the gun, but he flew into the ground trying to dodge Hawks and Stingers. Unfortunately, the Linebackers were very trigger happy and all the flares in the world didn’t save me from getting fragged by a Stinger. Things looked good but… Hydraulics were shot! Still had flight controls, but wing sweep was toast as well as flaps, ailerons, spoilers, and gear. Emergency gear plonked down and managed to land and roll out with brakes.
Tried to do a runway repair but they couldn’t fix my hydraulics; they were bugged. Could only get emergency flight hydraulics and couldn’t get the primary pressurized to give me brakes and steering back. Bummer!
At the end of the day, no losses and 3 kills against cheat-AI missile dodging skills… Fair tradeoff!
Finally decided it was time to try my hand at AAR with the Turkey. Overall it wasn’t bad, I had little issue getting trimmed up and stable on the tankers wing. However the visibility, or lack there of threw me off a bit. I guess I’ve been spoiled by the great vis in the Bug and Harrier while refueling.
After topping off I decided to head on over to Tbilisi for lunch. The guys from the Grand Tour highly recommend the wine there. So I figured Jester and I would go check it out for ourselves. Half way thru the flight I noticed things had become quite, too quite… and turned around to find 'ole Jester inspecting the inside of his eye lids. Damn GIBs…
Previously on DCS 2.5.x Screenshots…
Comrades! The capitalists, imperialists are once again antagonizing the peace loving peoples of …dramatic rise in the intercepts by air pirate F-14s. … bombers will be escorted by our brave Mig fighter pilots.
Today’s Episode:
Comrades…the belligerent intercepts continue. We must take action.
This, so called “Tomcat” has stuck its nose in where it doesn’t belong…bad kitty
“It’s time to get Medieval - I’m going to guns!”
“Guns, Guns, (Glorious Soviet People’s) Guns!”
“Ahh Haa! Jester’s Dead!”
…and so the Brave, “Soviet New Man” fighter pilots of the Red Banner PVO Strany continue to sweep the Soviet skies of capitalists air pirates!
Second trap in the Kitten. “You were so long in the groove an airbus cut you off!” The visibility out the front is crap. The HUD recording device completely obscures the landing area, and the canopy frame obscures the IFLOLS once you get within 1/4 mile. The DLC really helps though, compared to the Hornet’s floatiness.
Wait, what?
IMO the Hornet isn’t floaty at all compared to the Tomcat. It wants to fall out of the sky.
I am struggling a bit with the DLC. I actually prefer to not use it at the moment. I do use the speed brake though.
Pish! As a Tomcat pilot once told me, “The meatball is just a crutch for poor deck-spotters.”
I haven’t flown the Hornet recently, but the last time I did back in December or January it was extremely floaty while rolling out in the groove. Adjust, get on ball, good ball all the way to the rundown, then out of nowhere I’m either sucked into the deck by a force-field that gives me a 1-wire, or I float over all the wires and bolter.
I can keep the Tomcat mostly steady all the way down. If I’m feeling floating I’ll pop a little DLC out.
Took a couple more screenshots of the new NAWDC paint scheme.
First flight with the Tomcat yesterday began with a loud “CLONK” after departing Nellis AFB.
I almost made it back to McCarran…
Here I managed to get the aircraft into a… spin, stall or into UFO like flight characteristics.
Now some massage for our eyes.
By Commissar Krylenko’s order you are being sent to Gulag for sticking imperiallist labels inside our glorious fighter’s cockpit.
Only because I was seeing if the Imperialists, or their running dog lackeys, had trailed them correctly…see Mig-19 thread on radar day/night switch…the bourgeoisie Amerikans got it wrong!
Some shots from my self made trap training mission in advesre weather and at night (well more like dusk):
That wing flex animation is really well done (sidenote: not noticeable on still picture

Lining up.
In the groove.
Another flight - this time I went to Batumi and back. The cockpit detail put by Heatblur is just amazing.
Approaching Georgia coast.
Taking off for some night traps training.
Cue the Danger Zone.
Shot from the island.
Lighting the fires.
My first attempt.
Another approach, the sun was below the horizon at this point.
Got one bolter and few 3-wires. Jester was happy, said that “this 3rd wire brought a tear to his eye” lol.