Some more Hornet training.
Visiting my Stennis squid buddies in my A-10C; fly-by requested -
You’d think with all those antennas they would have heard me.
A Show of Hog…to keep their spirits up
The MiG 19 shot is just outstanding!
Some more Hornet training.
Today I trained JDAMs, LGBs, and JSOWs. Also a bit more AGM-62, with the DL13 pod. Pretty neat. Can’t wait to get a slightly better TGP integration.
Firing four JSOWs at 20 miles feels pretty cool.
And even more Hornet training.
Today I used laser guided Mavericks and Harpoons in BOL mode.
That worked.
Flying formation with my Harpoon.
Turns out that “high” means 20000ft, “medium” means 15000ft, and “low” means 5000ft.
Worked fine.
But if you want to hit different targets with different missiles you should program them to come from different directions or they will all sink the same ship.
I did that in my second mission by just placing three waypoints and telling each missile to attack from another waypoint (the fourth from the same as the first but later). Worked nicely three out of four times.
Tired of my Hornet training screenshots yet? No? Good! Here are some more!
I practiced a bit with HARMs
And FPAS on the way home.
Woohoo another #3 wire!
…and then I did an SEAD mission with a combined HARM and JSOW-A loadout. But forgot to take screenshots. I didn’t hit anything with the JSOW unfortunately. Even with the highest TOF (3000ft) a usual SA-2 battery is spaced too wide.
I wish we had an AGM-154B with the BLU-108 (smart cluster bomb like the CBU-97).
That’s coming to the F-16. The Navy does not use that, so the hornet will unfortunately not get it.
Yeah the USN was originally supposed to get it but cancelled it at some point.
And in case y’all needed to see someone completely insane, here is what I just did for fun:
Night refueling (I need to set that NVG gain knob on some easy to reach key):
Night carrier landing (for some reason the ICLS didn’t work so I landed without):
Got the BRC wrong (and then no time to fix,. but I was visual on the carrier already so I continued) but otherwise this went fine.
Caught the #2 wire.
You succeeded at night refueling???
I hate you.
I am as surprised as anyone else. It is a lot easier than I expected.
However I was only loaded with two AIM-9M, which is basically easy mode. I’ll try it fully loaded and see how that goes.
Once you’re used to it, it’s like walking around your house with the lights off!
One reason I’ve been flying the JF-17 lately.
I can’t embarrass myself and die trying to refuel!-)
There are some techniques to make AAR much easier, and the Hornet’s fly by wire system takes a lot of the work away.
I think most guys here can tell you that the change from “I can’t refuel, this is impossible” to “Why did I think that was so hard” is quite surprising. Just have to find what’s keeping ya from flipping that switch!
The number one issue, which I also was supremely guilty of - was porpoising close to the basket.