and sometimes it bites…back
Yes, Chrome vs Firefox, and it wasn’t browsers this time!
“Morning, Frank.”
“Morning, Bob.”
“See you later, Frank.”
“Later, Bob.”
*Neither column of tanks shot at one another. It was a greeting of tank cannons with no shooting.
Hauptmann Larry, Oberleutnant Moe, und Leutnant Curly either practicing formation landing or Bf-109 ballerina.
“Es sieht gut aus fur mich!”
Don’t you just hate it when the apple cart upsets your Sherman? Wait…
Always remember: it could be worse.
Here we see the wild M4 Sherman attempting to mate with a lone tractor. They will not survive the winter.
The Philadelphia Experiment’s less known predecessor, the Normandy Cluster ■■■■. It got that far and apparently couldn’t go any further with mind over matter.
Not pictured: this Spitfire spending 45 minutes circling at the end of the airfield with his gear down, waiting to land at a clear runway. No, he didn’t survive the bailout.
Hey, uh… I think you lost something.
■■■■ this road in particular.
My bridge has a case of anal Shermans! With glue!
Yo dawg, I heard you like Panzers, so we put a Panzer on your Panzer so you can Panzer while you Panzer.
I uh… Need to tell you something… You see, when two panzers liebe eachother sehr viel…
"Hans, tell the OberLeutnant that he can fly his plane when we get the wings and tail on it! Yes, I know it’s balanced on spare canopies!
Anyone playing The Witcher 3 will know that this plane is simply being Roach…
I’m surprised this isn’t an F-5 skin. You know, an LSU Tiger Tiger?
Had to use the flaps myself, but followed @Chuck_Owl in, he touched down behind @fearlessfrog.
Thanks to @Franze, @Fridge & @BeachAV8R for stopping by as well!
Pleasure cruising around in our warbirds and strafing some trucks.
Great time had by all…! Thanks to everyone for helping me find all the proper switches in the P-51…I think I only destroyed four airframes.
@fearlessfrog later in the session zooming around in an F-8…errr…5? LOL…
@Franze with a stunning display of precision flying took the top of @Wes’s propeller…haha…
Here lies M4 Sherman, victim of the Normandy House Plague.
8 vs 1, I got 3! After I lost the rudder. Might’ve been more, didn’t stick around to watch them all go right in.
Landing was difficult with no rudder. Flat tire and port wingtip gone, lost a couple prop blades, but alive!
But at least he will have a story to tell…
“…and then this, like 70 year old Captain came screaming in in his Tomcat. I couldn’t see the name on his helmet because he was so short…but anyway…he lobs a Sidewinder at me, and of course I’m battle damaged from the four Hornets I just shot down…and he gets me…”