DCS 2.7 Discussion

Success…! Talked my wife through the process of updating…! Good idea… Thankfully it wasn’t just the cats at home. It would have been harder to convince them…


I can’t believe how crisp it all is, the terrain in Syria is a joy and flying over the channel map was stunning. The new options tabs give a lot more opportunities to tweak things with more precision

Aaah! Thanks! Hadn’t seen that.

They would just pull the ejection handle…again.


Just went a bit cloudsurfing in my standard A2A training mission for the Viper. I don’t know how they did it, but I’m seeing no performance loss with the clouds set to ultra whatsoever. Will have to check busy missions as well, but so far it’s been great. There’s the occasional weirdness like the reflections in the pit doing bit of a slow conga dance, and bit of clipping here and there with the clouds. Also I wish that occlusion when flying into a cloud would set in and cut out much more rapidly, but that may be a performance compromise. The sense of space and scale that the clouds add is quite impressive.


Aaaaaaah, the memories… :slight_smile:

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Performance seems really good for me also, although I did take a hit on the heavy rain preset at times. Also performance in the Harrier seemed worse than the viper or hornet.

The clouds being invisible to the AI is a bummer but not surprising. It seems AI visual obstructions are always a sticking point in pretty much every game except maybe chess and cards.

It was a 48GB DL for me, with all maps except the 2 WWII ones. Took like 8 mins on my 1 gig fiber. :slight_smile:

I will need to mess around with the graphics settings to see what looks best at a decent frame rate.

Overall lighting is much improved as reflections and materials. I believe terrain got some updates as well? Even Caucasus seemed… I don’t know… Different.

I want to try some graphics settings to be sure, but it looks amazing.

I think I finally understood their planning (at least marketing-wise). 2.7 is the “ready to get new users that are coming to flight sims from MSFS” update. The game now looks much more current gen, and there is a cool (Top Gun enabled) fighter jet available that is not labeled Early Access.

While it seems to run like hot butter (nice tricks there ED!), I get godawful shimmering and Z-fighting with the clouds. It’s like they can’t decide what level to be at. Still fiddling with it.

I want the 3080 I ordered! Want it right the fark NAO! But i’m nr 108 on the waiting list. Cries in 1070.

I redid some settings. SteamVR back to 100% and DCS PD to 0.7. Workable and better integration of the cloud VR layer.


I’m theoretically paying for 1GB/s. The download has timed out twice since noon.


I’ll see you on the servers…maybe Saturday.


It’s a weird one, because I found it quite quick this time. It might be worth trying a VPN if your ISP is doing weird shaping or something?

Hoo boy! I just flew the F-16 Syria ground attack target practice. It has three sets of targets; unarmored, armored and a live SAM site a little ways into indian country.

I bombed the trucks a little. Then I dropped some of those neat smart clusters on the armored ones. With the last pair of super duper cluster fokkers I got my fangs out, skimmed the valleys and popped up inside the SA-6’s minimum range. Dropped the cans on their heads. Circled franticly waiting for the munitions to work their magic.
I must say, the improved effects are… improved. At least as good as “improved smoke mod” was.

I can’t wait to try the new Spitfire loadout :beers:


Have you tried a different quality setting for the clouds?

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Well, it seemed putting steamVR back from 60% to 100% fixed it quite handsomely. I have them on the second to lowest setting. Heh perhaps my rig can cope with ultra… fat chance :wink:

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Haven’t seen any performance difference on my system, not running VR though.

Came home and I’m getting there…!


I have to take one of the boys to late soccer practice tonight though…so I won’t be able to really get involved with it until after 9:30PM eastern… Looking forward to it!!


Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, – and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of – wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air…

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew –
And, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and brought some beer to God


Welp… so long msfs2020. I won’t be seeing you for awhile :rofl:

Anyone else notice the new sounds? Yeah, they’re amazing…

I did a short flight in the Hornet and one in the Huey.
Looks good.

I am a bit rusty, haven’t played DCSW in half a year or so.
But tanking at 12,000ft with 7/8 of the new clouds at 10,000ft was really nice.

I’m blown away

TrackIR now works in 1st person view with combined arms!!!