I see a couple of AI fixes in there. Lot of chopper AI fixes. Hmmm, wonder why…
This is nice: " * AI aircraft make wild maneuvers to reform - fixed. ". Got so tired of Dilbert killing rattlesnakes with the stick every time I told him to “close up” (or similar).
And this one helps too: " * AI aircraft. AI doesn’t climb at optimum climb speed - fixed.". Hopefully it applies to wingmen: when I check their fuel level after climb out, it’s time to RTB. If I don’t baby them, a lot.
Jump-Jet still getting some attention. Nice.
Even a couple of pokes & prods into the NTTR map.
I hope ED has a very large team - there is a lot going on.
Funny that 10 years after A-10C’s release they seem to be busier on DCS now. I think their team is bigger, the world is bigger, and there’s so much more to do.
Has anyone got the Sabre campaign “hunters over the Yalu”?
I’m wondering if it’s worth buying the WW2 assets pack just to be able to play it? I do fly the Sabre pretty much exclusively at the moment along with the Hind so I wouldn’t mind spending the money on the assets pack if the campaign is good fun
I’ve got it but haven’t flown it yet. I can say I really enjoyed Reflected’s Big Show campaign, so during the sales I’ve accumulated pretty much every campaign he’s made so far. I still need to finish the last two missions.
The only thing that’s been holding me back on playing Hunters Over the Yalu is ED’s refusal to fix the 50cal velocity. The radar gunsight gives you the wrong firing solution and you have to Kentucky-windage everything.
Huh! That explains a lot. It’s not just me being useless! I have been wondering this for ages as my round always fall short unless I add a lot more lead than the sight says! Mystery solved.
But yea, I might leave it for this sale as i have enough to do with stuff I already own
Yep, the gunsight is calibrated for faster 50cal velocity used on aircraft from the Korean War, but our Sabre uses the same lower velocity 50cal code from the WW2 birds. There also appears to be an issue with exaggerated accuracy issues from barrel overheat/warping that shouldn’t be occuring. All reported in 2016 and still not fixed, unfortunately.
I have to buy the JF17, M200C and the two FW190s to complete the dcs modules more or less, I have no interest in the early MIGs or the biplane thingy.
Any suggestions on which one to buy in the sales?
The JF-17 is more or less like an F-16C but with probe refuelling and anti-ship missiles like the F/A-18. Most modern fighter pilots like its MFD interface better than the modern US fighters. (I don’t own it, nor do I own the Falcon or Hornet. Too modern foe my tastest)
The M-2000C is currently very complete, and feels more like an F-16A in terms of systems. I highly recommend it if you like modern fighters with FBW but want the systems to be simpler, think like F-14 pilot workload. No overload of MFD buttons, just select weapon and fire.
Incredible roll rate. Pitch rate is not as great as the F-16 but it still easily beats the Hornet in dogfights. (I own the Mirage 2000C and love it)
As for the Fw-190s: I have only the Dora and frankly don’t recommend it. I think the Anton adds more if you already have the other warbirds.
Both Focke-Wulfs have a great cockpit, very good view and very ergonomic systems (button for gear and flaps, no cranking or RPM handle)
However, the flying characteristics make the Dora feel like a P-51 that doesn’t like high AoA, and much less powerful than the Kurfurst.
Get the Anton if you lack a WWII Axis ground attack / low altitude fighter.
The Mirage is a great jet. Easy yet deep. Has the very best HUD in the world. The Mirage also comes with great training and sp campaign. I wholeheartedly recommend it.
You say you don’t like the early migs @Cib, but have you tried them? The -21 is such a fun hotrod, and there’s few machines that react as satisfyingly to a trigger pull as the -15.