DCS 2.7 Discussion

I have the mig 21 and have had it since release but never use it. After the choppers my love lies with spitfire and mosquito for WW2 and A10c hornet and viper cover me for modern stuff. Realistically I don’t have the time to fly ATM but I may take advantage of the mirage in the sale :+1:


Mig 19 all the way. I was going to go on a deep dive of the 21 after I’ve finished the Sabre campaign (I’ve been doing one mission a day after work) to my satisfaction.

But then I saw a screenshot of the chrome shiny finish on the 19 and remembered how much I LOVE that aircraft and how much I need to really get stuck into that next.


So funny you mention "The Farmer"I finally got around to figuring out The Heat seeking missiles and “Trying” to do some ground pounding with Rockets…harder still is trying to land without blowing a tire. :smiley:…but I am having Fun!!!


I find the slow speed stuff to be quite easy on the Farmer compared to the Death Nail that is the 21.
Cannons are a joy to use as well. The thing that I really find a challenge is using the radar in conjunction with the ground controller.
I cant wait to dive into that again. There is a mission where you chase a B52 using these tactics and while it’s fairly simple to actually do, to do it correctly and still have enough fuel remaining to actually land is hard work for me.

*completely unrelated side note
Does anyone remember the highest altitude competition we did a while back?
@Franze won it with the tomcat, but he mentioned flying it again when the A model was released and to maybe expect better results as the TF30 has better high altitude thrust than the B model.

I flew it today and he was right. I went up to angels 40 and sped up to mach 2.2ish and then zoom climbed to 138k before I flamed out and pulled a maverick.


Easily the M2000C I love that plane, currently I need to relearn it after the latest update but it’s amazing.

I just Bought the Mig 19. I love the 15 and have yet to learn the 21. Maybe the 19 can bridge the gap.


I’ll add my “+1” to the Mirage. It’s a satisfyingly complicated jet. Some say it’s simple. My tired old brain disagrees. It is a great plane for cowards like myself because it will run away from anything. It looks and sounds gorgeous. And it recently got some love with a bunch of radar improvements.


I gotta say (even though I’m slightly late) that the M2000 is the way to go. RAZBAM, for as much grief as the community has given them over the years has continued to polish the Mirage and to a limited extent the AV-8. Recent updates have added an anti runway mission to the Mirage that has no equal in the game and new radar features that are pretty great. Also the community has supported it well, the community 4K level textures that have been uploaded are amazing. Can’t go wrong with it.


Maybe I’m late to the party here but it seems the trailer version of the ATZ-60 slipped in with one of the last updates.

Both static and non static available under VP-ATZ-60.


I’m pretty sure it’s from the VPC mod

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Uh oh you may be right… I keep forgetting I just installed that the other day… that would explain some of the model quality differences.

MiG-15bis Aces in Korea, 1951. (digitalcombatsimulator.com)


Here’s hoping that article is a subtle hint about the next map… :slight_smile:


You know, I was actually thinking that as well. That would be a very pleasant surprise. :slight_smile:


Hi All, sorry to not appears here.

ED has ATZ-60 trailer on the DCS World, only await to add the Trailer / Towed fontionality on progress by ED.

About the last 2.7.8 version, some videos show the last updates.
Report about all news:

New / Updated S-24O/OFM rockets

Updated KMGU-2 AO-2.5 with new launch blocks submunition animations

Updated KMGU-2 PTAB-2.5 with new launch blocks Submunition animations (I report as a bug the KMGU-2 doors no working).


Hi all,
I have been practicing with the Ka-50. A couple of days ago I tried to add Armour to my missions. When I add Armour or AA vehicles, they are not in the mission. Its not a time thing. I go back to ME and they are there! But when I hit fly… no more Armour. I tried the Viper and its theater. This a new bug?

Late activation checked? Also check the year of the mission cause there is a historical filter by year now. More information or a screen shot would be needed to further diagnose.

So far I haven’t had any issues with ME and the latest update.


Hey! Who knew! Filter by years?!? That has to be it.

Thank You!

Only unarmed vehicles show up on my missions. Even if I create a new mission… no dice. I tried 1985, 1990, 2000 still no Armour.

When you say you are only getting unarmed vehicles, are you only seeing unarmed in the mission editor or when you load the mission armor that can be seen in ME is missing and only unarmed vehicles are found when jumping around with F7?