DCS 2.7 Discussion

I mean only the Unarmed vehicles will load to ME. The Armour and AA vehicles will load to ME but when I start the mission they are not there. Only the Unarmed vehicles (trucks, Fuel trucks, radar trucks) will be in the mission. I use F7 and F10 and there is no Armour or AA in the mission. This is so weird.

It is worse than I thought. I started the A-10C instant action mission. The Armour vehicles dissapeared right away. Should I delete and reload the game?

Is there a way you can send this miz file so we can test it?

A mod went awry (again!)

Click clean and repair in the skatezilla tool.

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Ran the Clean and Repair (AGAIN) but no success.

Have you tried copying out the contents of the saved games/dcs folder? Rename it to /dcs-backup or so ething, so it can rebuild. Dont delete! All your controls setup are in there too.


@schurem ,
Good idea. I thinks I’ll have to do that. Thanks!

@schurem ,
Its got to hurt being right all the time… LOL. I took out several mods (i only have aircraft mods) and now the bug has been fixed.

And the winner is… THE F-1 MOD Taking this mod out fixed my game. Who knew!?
Thank you @schurem and all of you who helped. But @schurem gets the biscuit on this one

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GIF by Broad City

Ladies, y’all been reading today’s newsletter? That’s some sweet sweet news regarding AI jets…




Awesome sauce! These things (low-level AI ‘smarts’) are, IMHO, what will give this sim “legs”.


At first I didn’t get exactly what they were saying by writing about ‘autopilot’ in those last few paragraphs, but realizing that autopilot basically = AI, this is pretty exciting news.


“All ordinary tasks such as takeoff, landing, aerial combat, ground strikes and bombing were also entirely re-written. Implementation is expected during 2022”

seems like it should get more than two sentences!

Crossing fingers it works out next for next year.

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No more AI Rocket ships and 10 G turns… :slight_smile:


WOW it was time.

I was in a dive last night in my sabre, trying to outrun a Mig 15 from 25k feet.

I was pegged at bang on mach 1 (maybe a tiny shade under but still SHIFTING) the Mig I was running from got bigger and bigger in my mirror then overshot me at such a speed as to be ridiculous. I obviously thought “hahaha manoeuvre kill for me” due to compressibility when he pulled up. Not so. I eased back on the stick and got the wing wobble of compressibility and just over 6g and he pulled up like he was doing 200 knots and fired off into the sun.

i call bullshit GIF




I wasn’t inverted but I was terrified.


Have you guys seen the hot air balloon mod?
With custom flight model and clickable “cockpit” :smiley:


Well, they did. They finally did it.
A DCS module slower than the A10.

Marginally slower…


Rode in a hot air baloon once. Dangling in a wicker basket with nothing between you and 9.81/ms^2 is terrifying.