DCS 2.9

In my opinion, the Pacific theater has been lacking in the genre. I hoped the next IL2 installment would be in the Pacific but 1CGS opted for Korea instead. The last Korean sim I flew was Mig Alley. :grin:


Not Falcon 4? :wink:
(I know what you meant.)


I think judging by the latest Combat Pilot Alpha video clips it still has a long ways to go before release of a complete game,And thereā€™s nothing wrong with that considering the enormous task Jason and the team took on.
DCS on other hand has a refined game engine,map building tools,established flight models for props and jets,I think getting into The PTO will be much easier and faster for Nick,Wags and the team.
But I wish Combat Pilot and especially Jason all the very best with their projects and I will be first in line to put up my $$$ when their PTO hits the market.
Exciting Times


Elephant in the room: A lot of those assets were labeled to be included free with the Corsair: Crouching Eagle, Hidden Fishbed ā€“ Magnitude 3

*ā€œAs weā€™ve mentioned a few months ago, our intention is to deliver the F4U-1D not only as a module but as an entire package containing a few more features, including an aircraft carrier and Ai units. Exact contents are not decided yet and they depend on many things, but apart from the Essex Class Aircraft Carrier weā€™ve been working on some ground units to build a very basic environment for the F4U-1D. A variety of such assets include the Japanese Type 89, Type 95 and Type 97 tanks, Type 94 truck (in a few versions) and the 25 mm Type 96 gun, 75 mm Type 88 cannons. A complete package of contents will be disclosed closer to the release date!ā€

Key words, ā€œan entire packageā€¦including an aircraft carrier and AI units.ā€

I donā€™t like how this stuff gets thrown under the rug with zero transparency. That said, 30% discount for those who already have WW2 assets pack isnā€™t too bad of a deal, especially since it seems way larger than the ETO pack. Sucks for any user wanting to get into DCS WW2 from scratch, though.


Good catch, I wonder if internal bureaucracy has been a contributing factor to the F4Uā€™s protracted development, now.


exactly my thoughts. hopefully it will work out for them as they planned.

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It may just be semantics but there is a difference between ā€œour intention isā€¦ā€ and ā€œWe willā€. To me, an ā€œOur intention isā€ does not equate to a promise.


Saying I remember from my youth.
ā€œThe road to hell is paved with good intentions.ā€



You got me on that one. :grin:

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Has the Kiowa ever gone on sale?

You know, I donā€™t recall ever seeing it on sale? But I am a Steam user, so maybe it has on the ED store?

Promises arenā€™t possible, so itā€™s not like they have a choice in any other wording even if they did ā€œpromiseā€ it.

Razbam gave everyone Tarawa and KC-130. Then again with the South Atlantic assets. Deka gave everyone China assets. Honestly a few of those PTO assets, say the Zero, and a couple ground vehicles and ships, should be free with the Corsair while the expanded units part of the PTO pack.

But why should they be free? Itā€™s great that Razbam and Deka chose to do thatā€¦ but I think itā€™s not something that should be expected.

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I agree.

But neither is it something that should be ā€˜teasedā€™ which is why I also agree with @Clutch

I personally would prefer developers would just shut up about what is on their wishlist. If they get to a certain point in their development cycle when they can let us know what they can actually sell, thatā€™s great. Otherwise all they are doing is creating false expectations or drumming up investor $$$ IMHO?


Oh, I completely agree. I think that the devs are caught between a rock and a hard place though. The community demands interaction and transparency ā€¦ and then holds them to every word. I would make a lousy dev because I wouldnā€™t share anything with the community until it was ready for release. Nothingā€¦ zipā€¦ complete radio silence.


I donā€™t believe so.

Yeah. And I now realise that I have unfairly maligned Devs when it is the marketing wonks that are to blameā€¦ But I guess with DCS modules they are sometimes one and the same?

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Thatā€™s the entire point of transparency. Accountability.

While I also agree with Harry_Bumcrack. Devs are shooting themselves in the foot by pandering to ADHD kids who want constant interaction. Those same customers arenā€™t going to refuse to buy the product simply because something of quality is released without playing the dumb hype game. Quite the opposite, they are going to refuse to buy the product because the devs said too much and then walk it back.


I agree they shouldnā€™t be free - but Iā€™m guessing the WWII Marianas map wonā€™t be either! I understand why the WWII asset pack (the euro theater one) was a bit weird, but why not include the ED made asset pack with the ED made map?

I know I know, itā€™s because they can make it seem like it doesnā€™t cost $150 for a plane to fly and a map to fly it over and something to shoot atā€¦


IIRC, The Plan is for both Marianas Maps to be free,