DCS 2.9

This isn’t the bug in the Phantom which is fixed by forcing the VR mirror to use sim resolution is it?

no, i think its the one where you go to the f10 map, and when you go back to the cockpit view FPS has halved and gone all stuttery

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Yeah, it started around the time Sinai was released. At that time framerates were fine after using the F10 map, but there was a weird visual jitter every few seconds. Recently framerates will significantly drop, and sometimes DCS will crash entirely.


I used F-10 constantly during Schrem’s Phight Club with nary a skip. So the bug, if we can call it that, seems to be noticeable only when the GPU is already struggling.

Considering the OH-58 seems to be close at hand I wonder if they will sneak in some Phantom hot fixes with that patch :thinking:


There was a mention about dogfights somewhere but I can’t find it.

Anyways my point is, I love stories of “It’s the man, not the machine”


See…there is just another example of the Mudspike Bad Influencers Club trying a more insidious approach. Oh…read this book…it certainly won’t make you want to buy the DCS Mirage…

benedict cumberbatch sherlock GIF by BBC


I shall go for the less insidious route, BUY IT!

It’s like owning a first generation Dodge Viper that drops bombs and shoots missiles. The interior trim is lacking, it’s not comfortable, but when you put the hammer down it moves! It’s got a dogfight switch like the F-16, I mean what’s not to like!


Well you could always use flight simmer math and justify it because with that single purchase you get four, FOUR models of the F1. (CE, EE, BE and M) so really frugal to buy it :laughing:

Note the M model is not out yet.

edit: you can also modify your livery files and pretend to be a CR or CT as well :smirk:


The F-1 is pretty dang cool. I lack the mental headspace to really sit down and learn it, but it’s a blast to fly and a formidable opponent on ECW. If you have an open stall in the stable of your mind, it’s a worthy addition.

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I was of the same mind until about 2 weeks ago, till I decided to sit down and do it before the Phantom came out. I really should have been flying it more, it’s a hoot.

Honestly there’s not too much to learn besides the INS and/or the HSI (or whatever it’s called). The INS and HSI are easy to use, but can fairly deep if you want to get that far into them. If you are flying something that already has a flight plan, it’s pretty much click the waypoint dial and load.

The radar has a bunch of different modes, which boil down to the usual B scope air search mode, and a shorter-range higher precision b-scope air search mode. The ground radar is basically for terrain recognition, that’s’ about it for now. There are 2 close combat modes, basically HUD search and a movable HUD search. That’s it. If you can already run a modern radar like the F-16 or F-18 it’s simple.


It’s simple, but a real whip. Damn, is it fast. I really like it.

The BE is super cool as well, when you have a friend to fly it with.

Just remember the green buttons down by the throttle are things you need to click on before you try to use that system, then complain on the official forum that the backseater radar controls don’t work! :innocent:


The only thing I can say truly negative about the F1 is the autopilot just refuses to work at times. And worse the documentation on it is very much lacking. Perhaps it’s just me.

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It has a fairly limited set of engagement conditions, but once I started honoring those I haven’t had a problem. Anything specific that seems amiss?


Possible PSA here: Multi-threading on AMD + SMT +

So, when MT came out there was, at least on my part, some head-scratching about what to do with some settings. I believe SMT on the AMD is akin to hyper-threading (HT) on the Intel. The extra “+” up there is a SVM setting on my MoBo that I enabled also.

On initial release of the MT version I found turning OFF (“DIS-able”) SMT/HT was smoother/better, then. However…

Just tried a test that would cause some “non-smoothness” [2]. Out of curiosity I then ran with SMT/HT (and SVM) back on and saw a good improvement.

Note that I limit DCS to 60-70 hz (option in game), FWIW. In the BEFORE test it would regularly drop below 60 but after it never did.


[1] SVM might or might not be applicable to others

[2] The test was about 10 minutes, at night, testing a script that runs a bunch of AAA fire, enough to get your attention. This ‘feature’ [AAA] would regularly hurt so much that I’ve had to put in settings to limit this…

Carry on


SVM is virtualization: you need to have this enabled to run Virtual Machines (VMs), so enabling it should not significantly influence DCS performance (unless you run DCS inside a VM of course, then it won’t run without SVM).

Interesting find on the multithreading performance! I remember the early multi threading implementations causing latency on the Intel 4000 series and turning it off there. I sort of hoped that it was so old and standard by now that it would all be ironed out, but good to see that confirmed in a test :+1:


from Bignewy

Stable Version

Current version number:

Next planned update: 5th June 2024


The patch will come out…tomorrow!
Bet you bottom dollar that tomorrow—we’ll update!
Just thinking about tomorrow
Clears away the errors and the glitches, till there’s none!
When I’m stuck on a flight that’s tough and lonely
I just stick out my chin, and grin, and say, oh…


So, that means the Kiowa Warrior is ready?

It will be interesting to see if my Virpil stick loses assignments again. Over the last 6 months, every update has affected my stick’s assignment of the DX 4 (pinky lever) as shift. That required some reassigning of the lever and control profile cleanup. After the last update, I downloaded the latest Virpil software and drivers, and flashed all controls with new firmware. Expectedly, his broke all assignments for every module. I suppose that I should have taken my own advice and managed this with JoyPro. On the other hand, I’m sure that my wife and kids think that I am a professional joystick programmer.