DCS 2.9

Oh that would absolutely be so good! :wink:


Mine has done that a couple of times ā€¦ always either the brake lever or twist ā€¦ I found just unplugging it for 10 seconds of so and it s as good as new



Oh why didnā€™t I think of that?

Introduced new module: DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior by Polychop Simulations

New campaign: F/A-18C Operation Mountain Breeze by Sandman Simulations

DCS World
Ground AI. Late activated infantry units react to explosions that happened in the past - fixed
Ground AI. Invisible vehicle travelling causing dust/sand effect - fixed
Aircraft AI. F-4E has terrible aim with Rockeye - fixed
Aircraft AI. B-52H waggles during bomb run - fixed
Weapons. AA missiles. If the lock was lost, in some conditions the missiles went vertically into the sky - fixed
VR. Some UI elements are cut off and not shown properly - fixed
Fixed crash in weapons MP hot join system
FARP warehouse stock movement is not implemented - fixed
Weapons. R-24R/T missiles. Corrected motor plume position
Weapons. Fixed crash occurred with rail launcher in some cases
DCS: F-4E Phantom II by Heatblur Simulations
Performance: Major improvements to Radar raycasting performance, especially on busy MP servers
Performance: Radar thread affinity changed - may increase performance where the main thread was saturated on busy servers or missions
Performance: Fixed Object Cache being over-saturated causing severe performance loss on busy missions with thousands of objects
Performance: NEW: Added special option to reduce radar performance impact - can improve CPU performance on lower end CPUs at the cost of some additional visual noise and clutter on the radar screen
Performance: Changed amounts of radar threads across different core setups
Performance: NEW: Added Lower Refresh HBUI special option. This option will reduce the UI refresh rate to 30 fps, matching the F-14 Jester UI. This will reduce CPU performance impact on CPU limited machines, especially in heavy missions
Performance: Fixed INS, ADI and other various system bugs with the ā€œReduced Tickrateā€ option enabled
Performance: Refactored some JESTER code paths that may have caused lowered performance when an enemy was nearby
CTD: Fixed a crash if Saved Games path had non-standard characters (e.g. Cyrillic)
CTD: Fixed crash if DCS install path had Chinese characters in it
CTD: Fixed crash on empty coords text entry
CTD: Fixed some instances of a CTD after damage and ejection
Multicrew: Fixed a major multicrew desync error when someone leaves and rejoins (can be another WSO) the aircraft
Multicrew: Reduced network load due to an errant buffeting sensor being propagated across the network every frame
JESTER: Fixed being able to spot bandits very far away on the radar scope during some modes
JESTER: Fixed JESTER breaking some inputs or being unable to correctly set some switches while using HBUI elements (e.g. the Manual)
JESTER: Will no longer call aircraft on the ground as BFM threats or targets
JESTER: Fixed doubled calls for some calls, and fixed him saying ā€œGear Upā€ and ā€œFlaps Upā€ randomly at times far after takeoff
JESTER: Fixed Jester not asking for alignment when starting cold on a runway
JESTER: Fixed missile reports having wrong order of words sometimes
JESTER AAR: Added JESTER automatically saying ā€œReady Pre-Contactā€ to the tanker (if AAR door is opened within 100m of the thanker)
JESTER: Fixed a bug when cycling the AAR door very fast caused Jester to get stuck in radar-on mode
JESTER: Fixed Jester being in wrong DSCG mode when switching TGT-FIND/DT fast
HBUI: Fixed the Map Markers menu causing the Jester UI to freeze and become unusable
HBUI: Fixed a crash when entering empty coordinates in the Nav section of the Jester Menu
HBUI: NEW: Added Virtual Browser, and added ā€œOnline Modeā€ levels to HBUI. UI and Browser access is now controlled using a Special Option dropdown which allows selecting between:
Full - Free browsing
Offline - only offline UI features will work
Whitelist (Default & Recommended) - sites defined by a special whitelist file are allowed, anything else is blocked
Users can customise the whitelist file: hbui_whitelist.txt found in the Saved Games folder.
By default it has regex rules, currently covering:
HBUI: The Virtual Browser now also has a new landing page, allowing users to add their own bookmarks
HBUI: Ensured that the Auto Startup clicks use the enforced version bypassing browsers
HBUI: JESTER Radial Menu - Small resizing adjustments to the Jester Wheel (thank you amadeus!)
HBUI: Renamed in JESTER Radial Menu ā€œUnknownā€ to ā€œBogeyā€ and ā€œHostileā€ to ā€œBanditā€
HBUI: JESTER Radial Menu - Added ā€œNavigate To Main Menuā€ bind for Voice Attack users - will also open the wheel if itā€™s closed, so that it can serve as starting point for any VA macro sequences
HBUI: JESTER Radial Menu - Rename ā€œJester Presence > Enableā€ to ā€œForceā€ for more clarity
HBUI: Added Special Option to select UI Theme (auto, light, dark)
HBUI: Added Special Option to shift head-tracking origin vertically
HBUI: Updated in game manual to latest version
HBUI: Removed browser forward nav button in manual
HBUI: JESTER Radial Menu - Improved keyboard controls (W opens, ā€œBackā€ closes wheel):
additionally to their regular function of navigating forward and backwards in the wheel, W (ā€œCenter/Clickā€) and ā€œBackā€ can now also open and close the wheel
Radar: Fixed possibly triggering other RWRs through terrain
Radar: Fixed WSO maverick slew speed wrong
Radar: Improved CAA lock reliability
Radar: Fixed aspect switch setting wrong closure
Radar: Fixed radar gimbal not boresighting in elevation in cage mode with half action held
Radar: Fixed radar starting in standby mode despite being off
Radar: Fixed caged mode allowing the antenna to be moved in acquisition
Radar: Fixed bug allowing a short half second period of time without raycasting
Weapons: Fixed TV weapon gimbal limits
Weapons: Fixed gimbal limits not being respected
Weapons: Fixed sidewinder gimbal limit
Weapons: Fixed sidewinder half-aperture size
Weapons: Fixed AGM-12C not arming
Weapons: Direct mode now shows the correct solution for the sight depression value in the bombing calculator
Weapons: Added time of flight and bomb range to the bombing calculator output
Weapons: Fixed various issues with the Shrike WRCS mode
Weapons: Fixed Shrikes not updating after settings changed in rearm menu
Weapons: Corrected missiles (AGM-45 and AGM-12) ejecting incorrectly
Weapons: Made default Shrike volume quieter
Weapons: Updated Shrike range calculations and added Shrike range and altitude bias
Weapons: Corrected the WRCS AGM-45 Behaviour to give shrike range indications before target insert.
Weapons: Changed pylons to rail instead of ejection as this provides a much more realistic profile for AGM-12 and AGM-45A
Weapons: Fixed air to ground missiles being fired unarmed if the fuse switch was in the wrong position
Weapons: Fixed Normal Jettison consent on ground
Weapons: Fixed Mavericks/TV Bombs being jettison despite not being selected
RWR: Fixed the ā€œNew Guyā€ audio frequency not changing sometimes or playing the incorrect sound.
RWR: Fixed diamond not going to new guy contact for a short period of time
RWR: Made aircraft radars that used HPRF for track use MPRF instead (WIP: not yet audible, new sounds will be added)
RWR: Fixes to E-2C carrier frequency and beamwidth
RWR: Fixed Track Only Radars broadcasting with no target
RWR: Added fixed radar for units such as the F-86 Sabre (WIP)
RWR: Fixed range being displayed incorrectly sometimes
Avionics: Fixed JESTER BATH alignment not finishing in conjunction with HDG MEM available
Avionics: Adjusted NWS heading hold toggle function: now the AFCS has to be ON to toggle it
Avionics: Small fix to alignment completion
Avionics: Fixed a bug where the pitch steering needle was jumping on ILS approach
Avionics: Fixed AJB-7 heading oscillations when electric power was being applied
Avionics: Added a kneeboard page with diagrams for INS alignment options
Engines: Fixed nozzles having insufficient oil pressure at idle
Engines: Fixed controls dying too soon with the engines off or windmilling
Systems: Added ejection and canopy jettison inhibit when canopy is open (and not jettisoned)
Systems: Fixed pod and ECM jettison
Systems: Fixed neutral horizontal stab position
Systems: Minor improvements to hit damage
Inputs: Added 2 missing Crew Chief binds (ARI Disengage check and Stab Aug check)
Inputs: Added Slow/Fast binds for HSI course/heading and Reticle Depression
Inputs: Changed SYNC knob to sync with right click instead of left click
Inputs: Updated Chinese keybinds
Inputs: Added bind for ā€œTanker: Intent to Refuelā€
Inputs: Ensured that all backend-called commands are executed properly.
Inputs: Added (fictional) Tape Player Volume Knob (Recorder-On Lamp rotate-to-dim)
Inputs: Fixed following inputs that require rebinding:
Fixed Radar-Missile CW switch [UP]/[DOWN] binds broken
Fixed reversed binds Radar Polarisation CIRC 1 and CIRC 2
Fixed 3-pos switches on radar panel [DOWN]/[UP] binds to skip centre
Fixed Pilot Body SHOW/HIDE binds being reversed (and pedal crank)
Crew Chief: Fixed GPU not appearing on some occasions after moving the aircraft
Crew Chief: Adjusted GPU appearing/disappearing logic
Crew Chief: Fixed GPU spool up sound not playing sometimes
Missions: Fixed various issues with training missions (- fixes almost all community reports)
Missions: NEW: Added IA missions by Kaba (thank you!)
Missions: NEW: Added IA mission Paradise Lost Free Flight by Reflected (thank you!)
Missions: Updated missions by Sedlo, Reflected and Activity (thank you!)
Missions: Added more slots to Through The Inferno COOP versions
Missions: Updated Syria Landing mission to LOC RWY 08, added base
Missions: Added base to Caucasus Cold start mission
Missions: Updated training missions 1-4 CN localization
Visual: Made Cockpit much brighter with Global Illumination Off
Visual: Fixed AI afterburner visuals
Visual: Fixed nozzle and horizontal stab LoDs
Visual: Fixed minor LoD bugs
Sound: Possible fix to random sound playing on spawn in multicrew
Sound: Fixed gear sound bug on spawn in multicrew.
Sound: Fixed Tapeplayer clipping audio
Liveries: JASDF Jets now all have olive drab ALQ-131s
Liveries: Improved JV Jets nose gear door art
Liveries: Fixed JV Jets accidental overpaint on landing light
Liveries: Updated IRIAF and IIAF liveries by ISAAC (thank you!)
Liveries: Updated helmets on IIAF/USAF Jet by ISAAC (thank you!)

Known issues:

Important: Due to capitalization changes not propagating properly at times, the ā€œ.ā€¦\sdef\Jester\contactsā€ folder is named incorrectly, which will cause none of the essential JESTER calls from that folder to be played. Our sincere apologies. This will be fixed in the coming patch properly, however in the meantime you can apply an easy fix yourself, if you please, after finishing the update:
STANDALONE USERS: Either delete the ā€œDCS World\Mods\aircraft\f4e\Sounds\sdef\Jester\contactsā€ folder and run a DCS repair, and it will get restored correctly by DCS or manually rename it to use a capital C.
STEAM USERS: Manually rename it from ā€œ.ā€¦\sdef\Jester\contactsā€ to ā€œ.ā€¦\sdef\Jester\Contactsā€ (simply with a capital ā€œCā€ instead).
Note: Deleting the folder and running a repair only works for the DCS standalone version. Steam users need to rename the folder manually, please. Manually renaming the folder works for both versions.

Sedloā€™s ā€œHave Doughnutā€ instant action mission has been fixed based on recent user feedback, but could not be included with this patch anymore. If you like, you can download it from the attachment below, and replace the one in: ā€œDCS World\Mods\aircraft\f4e\Missions\Quickstartā€.
DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed: MP. SP. CTD at attempt to enter hot AH-64D slot
Fixed: CPG WPN page desync in multicrew
Fixed: TADS desync in multicrew
Fixed: TSD desync in multicrew
Fixed: FMC desync for CPG in multicrew
Fixed: Synchronization ACQs, Txx and TRN points
Fixed: Missiles Shot-At Data Synchronization
Fixed: Automatic route point sequencing corrections
Corrected route sequencing errors when selecting a different route on the Route Menu (RTM) sub-page or when reversing the current route.
WPT APPROACHING and WAYPOINT PASSED advisories corrected. Will only be displayed if neither crewstation is displaying an un-frozen TSD.
Distance and direction requirements for automatic route sequencing corrected.
When travelling along a route in the same direction as the route sequence, the next point in the route will automatically be selected when within 5 kilometers and passing abeam the currently selected point in the route.
When travelling along a route in the opposite direction as the route sequence, the next point in the route will automatically be selected when within 1 kilometer of the currently selected point in the route.
When arriving at a point that is not part of the current route but has been selected using the Direct route (DIR) function, the Navigation Fly-To will remain set to that point and will not sequence back to the route selected from the RTM sub-page.
DCS: F/A-18C by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed: Selecting different nose fuses will produce dud bombs
Fixed: Controls lock after 2nd takeoff with SC disabled- MP Only
Fixed: GBU-24s and AGM-154Cs do not release if you drop fuel tank first
DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics
Fixed: Š”rash when switching weapons when using unlimited weapons
Fixed: Reverse left arm patch orientation
Fixed: Bomb mode selection not updating dynamically
DCS: MiG-15bis by Belsimtek
Added Kola Instant Action Missions
DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations

Mission 10: Chatter about killed enemy AWACS may at wrong time - fixed
DCS: A-10C Operation Agile Spear Campaign by Combat King Simulations

Mission 0: Wingman not rejoining. Fixed.
Mission 1: Not receiving full points when all targets destroyed and RTB - Fixed. Pig-2 not starting when triggered (sometimes) - Fixed. Added several new Pig-2 voiceovers.
Mission 2: Added several new Pig-2 voiceovers. Adjusted scoring objectives. Added several Time Accel zones.
Mission 3: Pig-2 not starting when triggered - Fixed. Added several Time Accel zones.
Mission 7: Friendly armor blocking taxiway - Fixed.
DCS: F/A18C Raven One by Baltic Dragon

Mission 2: introduced a fix to a new AAR bug introduced with last patch: Smoke should refuel normally without breaking the mission
Mission 3 (and shorter version): introduced a fix to a new AAR bug introduced with last patch: Smoke should refuel normally without breaking the mission
DCS: Mi-24P The Border - Prequel Campaign by Armen Murazyan

Mission 4: Fixed a script error when destroying infantry
DCS: F/A-18C Operation Green Line Campaign by Badger633

Printable mission briefs updated.
Mission 1: Removed trigger fail. Improved voice timings. Note added to brief.
Mission 2: Fail zone adjusted to prevent early fail WP1. Note added to brief.
Mission 3: Optional ability levels added. Unexpected fail fixed. Note added to brief.
Mission 4: Moving zone fixed. Optional ability levels added. Note added to brief.
Mission 5, 7 to 12: Note added to brief.
Mission 6: Bulls corrected to WP3. Note added to brief.
Mission 5,9,10,11: Temporary fuel bug fix.
DCS: F/A-18C Serpentā€™s Head 2 Campaign by Badger633

Mission 8 all versions: Missing goals fixed.
DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion 2 Campaign by Badger633

Missions 8, 9-1 9-2 and 12: Matrix will no longer refuel but stay in formation to prevent mission fail due to current refuel bug
Mission 13: Sometimes, for some pilots Sting intermittently refuses to attack, fixed.
DCS: MiG-21bis Constant Peg Campaign by Bunyap Campaigns

Fixed: Not possible to complete Mission 1 due to the opposing coalition of a friendly F-5E


cries in lack of RAZBAM updates :sob:


Word is the bugs associated with the Mirage 2000C have been fixed.

And Iā€™m guessing youā€™ve been seeing the drama on Reddit and now YouTube with this.


Yeah I saw the Enigma video and found it tasteless and useless.
Well Iā€™m sure it worked wonders for his engagement over various Social media platformsā€¦


Same, and thatā€™s a great way of putting it.

I havenā€™t fired that one up in quite a while, anything in particular?

There was an issue with the G-limiter and apparently reduced rudder authority after the previous update.

Hoggit and a couple of YT-ers turned it into an Everest of ā€œRazbam is now the new VEAO because we donā€™t know all the intimate details of whatā€™s going on in talks or what the lawyers are saying!ā€


Oh good lord, I swear weā€™re our own worst enemies sometimes. Man Iā€™m glad I hang out at MS and not Hoggit.


Reddit (and, by extension, Hoggit) is a free fire zone for people to unload stuff that is not allowed in official forums and places that are well moderated :wink:

1 Like

As a mod for a fairly large subreddit, youā€™re right. :rofl:


I salute you sir for your sacrifice!



Iā€™m going to start flying the ā€˜Thin Hot Pocket lineā€™ to honor reddit moderators and what they have to put up with for the site to only be as insufferable as it is. :grin:


And by virtue of them being social media services, peopleā€™s predispositions to cults of personality and sychophantism (e.g. Enigma). His servers are great, but the person behind them isā€¦more flawed than averageā€“dragged me into his Discord for his fans to berate me over a joke that didnā€™t land well in his YT comments, that now kinda turned out to be true lol. Another victim of letting internet fame get to his/her head, as it were.


Iā€™ve noticed more and more of this in the last few years, esp. in the flight sim world. Sighā€¦people.


Itā€™s about to get worse- middle and high schools are getting out here in the States.

Itā€™s even funnier how offended the moderators and folks in adjacent subreddits get about the actions weā€™re taking in my sub. Reddit is a very entertaining place for that.


Youā€™re probably doing it right.

Ban 'em all; let their parents sort them out!


Oh hey custom patch idea :rofl: