I’ll be waiting several seconds before pre-purchasing the F16. A guy needs time to think these things through .
I like it, Im not a big fan of the 16 but with the lack of a Falcon 5 it had to be done.
I do feel that this will be the hardest judged DCS module ever though.
then the other question would be, Is this the end of BMS
I doubt it. There is a vocal group of BMS players who refuse to even take a second look at any other Viper. In fact, the call DCS pilots fanboys and other names I cannot repeat. I just recently bailed from a thread because some BMS players started to become toxic after a couple of us stated we can’t wait for DCS Viper.
I miss the good ole days when we flew multiple sims and supported each other as a community.
No kidding. It is a simple mind who believes that success in flight sims is a zero sum game. Toxic egos don’t do anybody any favors.
My “love” (too strong a word but I’ll keep it) for the F-16 is based solely from 15 years of Falcon 4/AF/BMS gameplay magic. It (as modeled rightly or wrongly in that game) has the most sensible sensor logic of any flight sim model I’ve played. It is such a joy to call up modes and find the screens exactly as you set them for the data cartridge. You can markpoint multiple targets, set up your run and haul a** calling up a quick ACM mode on your way out. Easy Peasy.
You guys are not wrong about the occasional wet blanket in any group of rabid fans. But my experience with BMS and the BMS forum has been that of a very respectful group that obviously, given the nature of the posts, play both sims.
Besides all the F16 fame and glory, don’t forget that if they get a super well modeled viper together with that looong promised dynamic campaign, there will be no more reason for people to still fly Falcon 4.0, and they all can migrate to DCS. Seems like a solid play.
I have my doubts that will happen. For some, ED can do nothing right, and no matter how good the DCS F16 and dynamic campaign is, it will not be good enough in their eyes. BMS will continue for some time I think.
The rest of us will be enjoying DCS in VR flying a (hopefully) great dynamic campaign featuring a plethora of high fidelity aircraft modules and terrains.
You must avoid the DCS thread over there then lol, some pretty nasty comments were thrown at DCS and a group that left BMS to start up on DCS, some of those comments coming from the BMS team of all people :). I honestly dont understand the anger in some of those threads, its why we dont have them on the ED forums, because people just cant behave, and it makes no sense trashing other games or sims.
Yeah I am sorry. I go back there about once every 6 months to see if there’s been any update on the mere possibility of VR. Once I see that nothing is new, I leave. I guess I’ve been missing all the negativity. I certainly don’t recall much of it when I was active two years ago.
I was downloading the Baltic theater over at the BMS forum today and didn’t see anything DCS related.
There is really no comparison between DCS and BMS, even if/when DCS nails the F16 simulation. BMS is the holy grail of community mod effort, a masterpiece of freeware, and the fact that it is even considered close to on par with the latest and greatest combat sim is a monumental feat.
If you are still playing BMS, you will continue to be playing it regardless what module DCS releases. Except maybe the F-111.
Choosing one over the other is pointless and really just causes you to miss out on the best of both worlds.
This is the general solution to all “This or that” modern flight sim arguments, in my opinion. The getting is so good right now - it’s a shame there are only 24 hours in a day that need to be shared with pesky things like “responsibilities”
Aint that the truth.
Don’t know the exact situation but why start about the DCS viper at benchmarksims? It’s not a community board but a dedicated BMS board. I don’t think ED would be exactly thrilled to have a thread on their boards about the F18 in BMS 4.33 either, it’s just common sense to not do that
In fact, they have a blanket ban on DCS forum on discussing other games than DCS except in a small corner dedicated to ‘other games’. And right they are.
People will find all kinds of things to tribalize over. Make ‘them’ the other and you strengthen the bonds of ‘us’. It’s basic sociology. It’s why Trump needs Putin and Ajax needs Feyenoord.
Ajax and Feyenoord are dutch soccer teams that have a long history of strong rivalry.
I’ve enjoyed BMS in the past. No reason I haven’t enjoyed it recently other than that I haven’t had time to dabble in another sim. It is hard enough to keep up with one sim, let alone three or four. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with the BMS crowd, but then again, I haven’t interacted with any of them with regards to DCS. I keep my corn on the cob separated from my mashed potatoes on my plate.
With regards to the DCS: F-16. Yeah man…bring it on. I will feel guilty as heck for buying it, not for any reason related to any other sim, but rather because I feel that I have only barely touched:
Tiger II
I mean…I haven’t flown any of the campaigns related to those aircraft…don’t know anything beyond what I initially dove into, and just haven’t made it back around to them. Sure, throw another awesomely modeled plane on the pile. Minute one purchase for me. Someday I’ll learn them all. Someday.
Oh man, do you have a treat in store for you That campaign got two stars in the DCShellin guide, and not for no reason, no siree!
I can’t wait to see what @Baltic_Dragon has in store for the harrier. I got wind he’s planning on doing a Persian Gulf one at the very least.
For the Harrier - we’ll start off with the Caucasus campaign in two parts.
Part One - “Ottoman Courier” - will have four missions and will be free, added to the module. It takes place during joint exercise between the Georgians, Turks and US Marines in 2011 and will be placed in the same storyline as the Mirage campaign (so after 2009 standoff between the French and Russians).
Part two will be a DLC, most probably with 12 missions and will continue on the… situation that will develop in the first part
Now as for the Persian Gulf I might have quite a big announcement to make really soon - and it will be for the Hornet. But if stars align it should be quite a big thing