DCS: F-4E Phantom Phorever!

Awesome news I hope they can make a RN model with some AI wessex choppers


Howie Mandel Wtf GIF by America's Got Talent

phorever :sweat_smile:


He mainly flew C’s, didn’t he? But I’d like a SCAT XXVII F-4C skin, when that day comes! :slight_smile:


I can’t believe it. Heat f-ing Blur. I was hoping, but sure that they had too much on their plate. I’m still crying. I feel like my wife just told me that we are having a 4th child, and it’s a boy. I need a drink. Whiskey.


Oh God! Oh yes! YES! YES!!!

david after dentist screaming GIF


I wonder how they will do it. Will it be like the F-14 where you get 3 variants for one price, or will they be selling the E, and the J, and the S, etc, each for full price? I can’t see that succeeding.
Maybe all USN variants for one price, all USAF/export for another?


Being heatblur would we be too wrong to assume they’d do the same way as they did with the Tomcat?


Well, the 2 F-14A and B models are not THAT different. Also, aside from the D which they did NOT do that’s only 3.

How many Phantom variants were there? Like 4 dozen? :slight_smile:
The G model is very different, the early and late models so very different… I know whatever they choose to do will likely annoy at least some people unless they charge $80 for every single variant in one package which is of course not feasible. :wink:

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I think they’d be fine with 3 variants. Vietnam-era AF Vietnam-era Navy and modern-ish. But yeah, a little more complicated than the F-14.

(Not sure if working backwards from the more modern to the more primitive would be too bad though)…

I’m pretty sure whatever they plan on doing and however they plan on charging for it, it will be worth it, lol.

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And an Ark Royal to launch her from… please :pray:t3:



Cobra confirmed on reddit they intend to release this motherlovin’ year! Ph yeah!

(Is this what you were dropping vague hints about the other night @komemiute?)


Sorry to be so melodramatic earlier. My nerves are a bit more steadied, with the help of Old Forster 100. The irony of this announcement for me is that last night I found some books in a box that I had misplaced during our move in 2019. This photo fell out when I picked them up. It’s not a great photo, but it is significant in that Dad’s squadron was soon headed to Ubon, Thailand. This Phantom would be regularly going to Hanoi a couple of months later as part of the escalated air war in '72.

Those are great Troll!


Heatblur FAQ Phantom

Q: When will the DCS: F-4 Phantom by Heatblur Simulations release?
A: DCS: F-4E has been in development for some time and will be released later in 2022. Stay tuned for our full unveiling closer to launch day!

Q: What variants will the Heatblur F-4 Phantom include?
A: The first release will be DCS: F-4E, the iconic land based variant of the Phantom. We will be launching two variants of the -E; a “classic era” F-4E (blocks 36-45 with updates retrofitted in 1974 and before, including new slats, DSCG and AGM-65) as well as an upgraded (DMAS) version of the aircraft in one package.

Q: Will there be a Navy F-4?
A: Yes! Our Phantom journey only begins with the -E. However, owing to the complexity of the work and investment of time and effort, it will not be included in the DCS: F-4E product. We’re instead choosing to focus on providing the most content rich F-4E we possibly can, and then set our sights on further telling the legendary story of the F-4.

Q: Will the Heatblur F-4 Phantom released as Early Access?
A: The F-4E will be released as Early Access first. Much like the F-14 Tomcat, we plan on releasing it as feature complete as we can, including Singleplayer and Multicrew capability, a WSO-AI, an elaborate Flight Model, functioning cockpits and instruments, the main set of air to ground and air to air weapons such as sidewinders, sparrrows, mavericks, laser guided bombs, dumb bombs, a gun and of course a fully functional radar, avionics suite and F-4 specific systems that will help you dominate the battlefields of its time. As usual it will come chock-full of content, including training missions, Singleplayer missions, Multiplayer scenarios and of course, more than one campaign.

Q: Will it come with Multicrew capability and a WSO AI?
A: From day one you will be able to enjoy the F-4 with full multicrew functionality and with the JESTER-AI, tailored to the needs and capabilities of the F-4 Phantom.

Q: Why won’t all variants be part of one module?
A: The investment of time and effort to do the Navy and Marine Corps versions of the F-4 justice makes it unrealistic for us to include everything in one package. We want to make sure to tell the story of each Phantom variant chosen in the most content rich and appropriate way possible, while making sure that we stay a thriving and viable team. We’ll share more details on our plans with regards to variant additions to the F-4 later, but we remain steadfastly committed to ensuring that we are fair to our beloved community and supporters.

Q: Why does the announcement come so early?
A: We initially wanted to keep things a secret until we were just about ready to release, but the volume of interest and questions about the F-4 made that quite impossible! Hopefully you enjoyed the announcement trailer, even if short- stay tuned for our full unveiling closer to release day. We’re excited about you all being a part of the Phantom journey

Q: When will you share more?
A: As the development of the module continues, we will try to be as transparent as possible and include you as much as we can, sharing the different stages of the development as well as exploring this phabulous aircraft together with you all.

Q: What about the Eurofighter, the A-6E, F-14 and Viggen? Are you biting off too much?
A: The Heatblur team has never grown nor been more capable than it is today. The trust you put in us is absolutely sacred, and the announcement of the F-4 has no bearing on the steadfast commitment to continued progress on existing and other future modules. The F-4 has been under active development since early 2021, and our roadmap, including the Eurofighter and other future modules was created in this context.

With an ever expanding portfolio, it is important for us to ensure that we will not let up on maintaining our high standards for all of our modules, released or yet to be released. Per astra ad aspera, upwards and onwards, with our partners at Eagle Dynamics we plan to continue on pushing boundaries as long as we stand and could not be more excited about both present and future.


Lets Go Reaction GIF


the office jim GIF


Good start, I’d love a G model.


it says -E in the title…


I…can’t…talk…right now…[sniff].

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Potentially 2 E models in one year?!?!? Awesome!

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I’ll admit to being caught up in the moment but, I’d happily pay Heat Blur (based on their work to date) something extra for the extra ones. Now, would I? Will see. I can imagine them having of your insert your fav versions here available, allowing me to pick the one (or three) I want most. A Navy one for sure. Oh, and a Marine version of course (going to find my aging copy of Phantoms Over Vietnam, J. Trotti - read this thing a dozen times) . And…


Something told me too this was coming. Just a Pheeling.