DCS: F-4E Phantom Phorever!

Are you ready for the unexpected?

I asked permission to post a picture in absolute world premiere… and it was granted.
I hereby present you… the F-4E hook.


How’s the performance (FPS, and such)? I’ll keep it a secret :disguised_face:


Honestly great in cockpit and out.

And remember I still only have a Corei7-4770K 16GB of RAM and a 3070Ti.


….In other News….


Thank You Friend

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It’s an honour and a privilege. :sunglasses:


Yes it does, and it works. However, the gear is “air force” gear and might not take kindly to the sort of approach you fly on the CV.


Ok…I get it,Thank you….I will buy the Marine/Naval version when Heatblur release it….but Dang…I’ve been wanting to put a Phantom Down on The Forrestal since HB were so kind to give us it

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That was what I was going for. :wink:

We Pleage alligance to the Hook!!!


WOW…listened to the ACS Podcast…Poor Cobra seems really burnt out…The HB team desperately need a mental break from Sim Development.

From customers mostly. The amount of pointless negativity wears people out very fast


I haven’t had the time to listen yet but yeah…
Crunchtime plus people nagging and complaining can’t be fun. I always wonder what they’re doing all day. Just enjoy what’s there already until your new toy is ready, there’s so much you can already do in DCS … Especially in regards to Heatblur. Their modules always do something new that hasn’t been done before and are usually great quality from the get go.


I Concur Their stuff is Groundbreaking and has really brought a lot of customers to DCS…It sounds like The Phantom will even stretch out the immersion even further,
It would be great if there was a way to filter out the negativity in the community,
I don’t particularly see it because Mudspike is my forum of choice.


Same here. I just stopped reading the ED Forums, after being very active there for many years.


Nic sounds like he is very much a person who is just not satisfied with the status quo. When one considers all of the new features and rewrites they are doing with the Phantom, it’s no wonder that the aircraft is not ready yet, never mind the war in Ukraine. I hope that they can take a long vacation once it’s delivered.

I’m a little worried about his admission that Jester will have a hard time interpreting radar information, whether by design or because it’s difficult to implement. I’m very comfortable doing BFM with gun and heaters, but usually get summarily schooled in BVR engagements. Perhaps history has been too critical of the Vietnam era ROE requiring visual ID. I’ve recently been reading about DISCO (EC-121) and how it was of minimal use given how long it took for the information to reach engaged air crews. Given that, I’m probably going to need a little help from the GIB.


:face_with_monocle:Interesting…I thought He was speaking of The Human WSO when referencing that?

Could be. I need I listen to the interview again, but my memory is that he referenced Jester at the time. It seemed like to me when Casmo asked about the different versions, that he was inquiring about the Phantom. But Nic’s reply was clearly about the Tomcat. I hope that they do the F-4S since many think it the ultimate Phantom. Smokeless engines and no gun, giving it a quicker turn rate.


Having had the pleasure of flying with a competent RIO in the Tomcat I can say that Jester is not a good replacement for a human. A RIO who is good with the radar makes a huge difference in BVR. Often you need to work to keep radar lock and Jester just can’t do that reliably against maneuvering targets. You can work with your RIO to get your intercept just right, he can find helicopters in the ground clutter, he can vector you to very distant targets like an A50 flying 200 miles away etc. I avoid flying the Tomcat alone whenever possible, tbh. I fly it around the boat, maybe drop a couple of bombs but anything involving A2A that isn’t straight up dogfighting I only do with a RIO in the back.


Peterborough UK. I instruct on the worlds only F4J full motion simulator if any mudspiker is in the area I will see if I can fit you in. The sim is ex USN with two years combat time in Vietnam. Mothballed in the desert following a ‘wheels up’ incident. Then bought by the RAF as part of the 20 aircraft purchase after the Falklands war to replace those sent to guard the Islands. RaF and Ferranti turned her into a sim. It is serviced by the octagenerians who originaly built her at Ferranti. Software is undergoing upgrade, but users will be able to use the original RAF software by choice if they wish.