Both are in-game, as is the cat.
Yeah it’s a GIF extracted by the youtube promo they released a few weeks ago
My Phantom GIF is RL…
Well, it appears to be Mr. 'Knocker [successfully in my case] tempting one to depress the virtual button to increment the iterator towards the further benefit of his productions - OR - how to dive toss in the MIRAGE, not the Phantom.
yep he got me too … so I thought I would pass it around
….”as always”…
Thanks for sparing me the Rickroll
Seriously, thank you for saving my from the bad clickbait being bad.
Well he retitled it more appropriately after being called out for the title. Honestly the Mirage is the last aircraft I would have picked to demo that. He already has an A-4 video going over the concept, could have just expounded on that one
are we sure that with that bomb load she can still turn !?
Enough hype already damn-it!
heheh Take it easy, it still takes time.
I’ll see if I can snatch a few hours of warning before the normies will know about the Phantom drops.
Thinking about messing with the VSN F-4 again until the real thing comes along. Last I tried it the VR perspective in the cockpit was strange.
Let me say, it’s all bangers.
Waiting for the Phantom, I be like F5 F5 F5 F5 XD