Swap the buttons on the keyboard and you can wait for it by smashing the F4!
I meant flying the F-5 XD
LOLOLOL, you got me there.
not sure if anyone else has posted this yet … sorry if they have
Heatblur Simulation:
GIBs assemble! Enjoy a few candid shots of the WSO’s cockpit. There’s nothing as fun as the rear, cozy cockpit of the F-4, with basically… no forward visibility. Thanks McDonnell. Flying with a friend in VR? Beware of the vomit comet.
The rear seat of the F-4 contains all of the controls and displays associated with the mighty APQ-120 radar. The WSO is also responsible for operating the Pave Spike TGP, as well as just being a general help and useful set of eyes for the pilot. You can of course fly the F-4 from the rear seat too; and WSOs would often fly the aircraft, and even assist rolling onto e.g. a bandit during a dogfight.
Multicrew synchronization in our new next generation framework has been a key design goal of the last few years, and we’re working hard to ensure all systems, instruments and the radar are well synchronized between both crew members in multiplayer.
Just like the pilots’ cockpit, we’ve tried to push as much detail in sculpting and texturing as our time and budget allows, and we hope you’ll enjoy experiencing the F-4 from the back.
You could really abuse this in the back seat. Gently apply pressure to the stick. Enough roll to need a tiny correction. Gently increase incrementally over a long period.
Then just…release
Except that if the thing crashes… you’re in the backseat
How’s the lungs mate? on the upswing or still laid low as can be?
Ah yes, the WSO version of that Office prank where Jim incremnetally puts quarters in Dwight’s phone receiver, then removes them all so he whacks himself in the face answering a phone call.
Im definitely on the upswing. If I’m honest, i think Thursday was the worst day, but i was just so busy at work that i only really felt it when i got back in the van to drive to the next one. Coughed so hard i actually put my back out
I’m still a bit rough, but I’m up and about.
Great to hear Victork2.
Those photos of the WSO pit are ridiculously good. HB has turned up the art a couple of notches, IMHO. It looks like a swap shop in back, like there should be old an Les Paul hanging from the wall and a dusty Fender silver face amp on the floor.
it does look a bit crowded in the back … and as for a forward view, if you do have to take over control, its instruments all the way
I’ve read stories where they used to give the landing to the wizo every now and then. That must have been sporty.
Oh yeah, I’ve been stunned but the quality of the module so far.
Which (but I do love to repeat myself) makes me absolutely crazy about the wait for the EF and the A-6.
Phantom sure looks good!
Hmmm, the DCS login servers are offline. Upgrading before Phantom push?
We can but hope
Yeah, please guys don’t torture yourself like this.
I promise I will give you as much warning as I can without being kicked out.
…but I already called in Sick!!!