Going to have to watch more of his stuff.
A buddy picked this up yesterday for 1000€
The dude he got it from also had an old Alouette that he was working on (not flight worthy) in his garage and another ejection seat in his office
I was hoping for a phantom friday with another Heatblur vid
You’re not alone
I am so excited for this bird
God She’s Gorgeous
I imagine this is going to be like driving out to Davis Monthan (the ‘bone yard’), with a truck load of gear, some gas, and flying one away.
Wonder how long I can go without leaving a dark smudge on the ground - challenge!
POV: You’re interested in Heatblur’s next module, but promise to not let it consume you.
Their next module is the F-4E.
Hnnnnng all those liveries. I spotted one of the JASDF Phinal Phantom paintjobs.
Over on their discord there was a mention of an 8gb install size for the phantom … now apparently the apache is only about 2gb … soooo they may have included a fare few liveries
I think the skinning community is going to go nuts over the Phantom… they’re going to have to find more K’s… not just 4k or 8k skinning
That meme never gets old.
The funny thing is that the 2 young ladies could be sisters . Well, I guess that in a way, the Hornet is the Phantom’s little step sister. See how twisted that got in a hurry.
It’s more like the Phantom is the step mom…
(Twist and shout)