DCS F/A-18C New Feature Poll

Air to Surface Radar

Could not argue HARM :thinking:

As a matter of fact I chose exactly the same- even though I don’t have the 18; I’m sure the tech developed will help the whole simulator.

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I’m probably the only one here who voted for the Harpoon.

And i don’t care.

I want the ability to sink ships (that shoot back) in the PG map.

Sue me.

HARM is cool too though.


I answered Some of the above.

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I thought about the Harpoon too, i like ASuW. But then without an air-ground radar, Harpoon would be pretty pointless. So air-ground radar>Harpoon.

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How about an option for brightness control on the color DDI?

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Your wish was their command, juding by the changelog posted today :slight_smile:

Both DDI brightness now can be regulated


If it doesn’t involve an update to how the AI reacts, I will request it, I think it will be important for gameplay and realism of that type of weapon.

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10 posts were split to a new topic: DCS SAMs and Their Annoying Ability to K.O. Our Missiles

Valid point.