DCS F/A-18C (Open Beta) Initial Impressions AAR

Many thanks to the incredibly talented @SkateZilla!


there also seems to have been a bug introduced inn the last patch … now bombs seem to drop only in pairs, no matter what setting you have in the programming



I drop them in the break, but only to half. Since there is already power and pitch juggling going on, it doesn’t really upset the aircraft too much. Fagetabout full flaps IMO.

What are you dropping? The for heavier weapons, the SMS on the real jet will override the program and force symmetrical weapons drops to prevent overly severe load I’m balance.

Or it could be a bug, early access! Woo!

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Happened to me yesterday regardless of bomb type, even Mk82.
And they not only drop in pairs: if you have MK82 on the centerline pylon they drop from there too. I couldn’t prevent it from dropping 3 so yeah sounds like a bug. Great destructive power though, I dropped three Mk84 bombs on a BRDM. It made BOOOOOM! :smiley:


mk82 snakeyes … I had two on each wing pylon and 2 on centre …program was set to 1 qty 1 multi and it dropped one from each outer wing and one from the centre and then carried on dropping sets of three until i had one left on a inner wing pylon … but they are very accurate compared to the cluster bombs


lol … Three mk84’s on a BRDM … that’s a real bad day right there :grin:


3x Mk 84’s: When you want yout target "Overmurdered to death".


Yeah it was awesome. Exactly same behaviour as for @tempusmurphy

Okay, then that’s definitely a bug. I’ve noticed similar behavior with bombs under that asymmetric limit. Hope they patch it soon.

Aaaand the streak is over!
I just crashed my first Hornet. Ramp strike on my ~30th carrier landing attempt (around 18 actual landings). Got too confortable I guess.


Can someone explain why the HUD E-Bracket moves up and down with pitch (in reference to the HUD frame—not the world outside)? If AOA is (approximately) displayed on the HUD as the vertical distance between the waterline and the FPV, any measurement of that angle should just stay fixed in the HUD, except for roll of course.

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Probably not a satisfactory answer, but the F-14A actually did it similarly to this. The E bracket was fixed above the horizon, and you judged state by placing the AWL on it. It’s terrible. It takes your eyes from where they need to be (the meatball), and puts them up into space. There’s a reason many Tomcat drivers intentionally flipped off the HUD and simply used the AOA indexer.

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I can completely see why! :slight_smile:

That was totally the best thing I’d ever seen to that point.


It’s really difficult to make out the landing area in VR nevermind the ball :tired_face: I may try it at PD 1.0 and see if that helps. Otherwise it’s blind luck

I’m finding trying to tank with the Viking is using my entire repertoire of curses. The thing bounces around like a tennis ball and never seems to settle at a steady speed. And it seems to be worse than tanking in a Mirage.


For me the problem is keeping hooked up to the Viking, catching the basket is the easier part. Seems like people are having more luck with keeping up with the KC-130 (more slack on the hose?).


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