Because next week (likely) there will be new items added to the Open Beta (for us to test) which will (likely) get into the Stable build the week after. Tick-tock releases. Sometimes it’s Tick-tick-tock but the pattern is there.

Really you are just placing yourself 2 weeks (so to speak) behind the Open Beta and in all honesty, in the last year I there were not a lot of instances where the Open Beta was broken enough to go back to the Stable release for me. There were some … oh yes … but the majority were ok. Plsu, With @SkateZilla’s excellent tool, it is relatively easy to bounce back to the Stable release (given that I have high speed internet, I guess).

It is a fine choice to stay in the Stable release and avoid the broken features. It’s more reliable for sure.

Only this week. Next week they will diverge again.

Meh. It’s not hurting anyone :slight_smile: