DCS Harrier First Flights

Wait… who? Is that guy really you? Blue helmet + jumpsuit and clean face?

In case you don’t follow the minutia of the update logs, do run DCS Updater (I had to prod it manually via the shortcut) on the 1.5 open beta - it fixes a whole bunch of Harrier things!


Ok, verified the FPS fix in the Harrier in VR. Great performance. So happy!


Nice find. 307 MB if anyone cares.

Smooth as a babies butt. Now I need to sort out the controls and teach myself to start it dark n cold.

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Flip two switches to the right, flip three or four to the left, flip all the ones in the middle and then flip all the ones on the left again… right?


You forgot to flip the one switch to the right (Engine starter :wink: ) after you flipped three or four switches to the left (fuel pumps, cutoff valve and proportiner).

But yeah, that’s basically it.

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I swear right after I typed that I went to start it in game and totally forgot that switch lol

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Why all the helmets? Is that try-hard aircraft maintenance?! :smile: Perhaps scared of falling off the aircraft?

It’s an Airedale maintenance thing. Apparently any time you’re more than six feet above the deck or using a chain fall like that you’re supposed to wear a cranial or hard hat of some kind.

Lord knows we never did any of that down in the engineering plants.

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Anyone got the altitude hold to work? I need some auto pilot while I’m head down trying to figure out MAVs lol

Haha yeah, never seen that in the engine shop or hangar either. Very uncommon to see helmets in MX.

I don’t think it works yet

Ok… any tips for making TDC slewing? Cause I can’t get my sensors to move at all.

Let me clarify this. I go Master on, A/G mode. Select my MAVs and warm them up. DMT and set the general location of the target. Uncage Mavs. Then I can’t get the sensor select switch to go to IRMV and I can’t seem to slew anywhere.

Should be sensor select FWD to allow you to slew maverick seeker head after designating with DMT.

You can refine the process if you want by skipping the DMT, depends on what zoom you want to use.

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I made one takeoff. no landing. Shot down a target drone with a sidewinder. Rammed the other trying to go for guns without any HUD aiming help.

Doing a rolling vectored thrust takeoff was hilarious fun. What a powerful machine!


Just did the landing Instant Action. For giggles turned the nozzles downward and applied some power. BOY SHE FLIES WHEN EMPTY! :smiley:

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TDC slewing is keyboard only atm (“y”, “u”, “i”, “j”).

@Tankerwade and a few others helped me last night, turns out there are some double (conflicting) keybindings when it comes to the sensor select commands.

The helmet gives you the false sense of security that should an engine or airplane be dropped on your head you will survive it.

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