I have no idea. The fjord is about 50Km at the widest and about 100Km long. Never seen them conduct air ops in the fjord. Maybe they go out to sea to launch and recover and into the fjord to hide again?
@Hangar200 probably knows more about this. If he can talk about it is unknown…
I’m Army and like having solid ground beneath my feet, but it kinda makes sense to me?
I haven’t looked at a map scale and water depth, but close to land puts you under more of an AD umbrella and even with the fjiords the water is shallower and more confined than offshore to minimise the enemy sub threat?
Do they have enough room to manouvre into the wind to launch and then turn downwind for long enough to turn around again for the recovery, regardless of wind direction?
Yeah tactically the position makes sense, it’s the air ops I’m curious about since it requires steaming into the wind long enough to launch and recover.
I’m also curious about how the Finns and Norwegians use their Hornets and Vipers, particularly for A2G. All the pictures I can find have them set up for simulated A2A; I’ve only found a couple pics of Finnish Hornets with JDAMs and glide weapons, yet no targeting pod, and have yet to find a Norwegian Viper loaded with A2G ordnance.
I also posted this on the ED forum, thought you might find it interesting as well.
This is from 1989. AMF is the Allied Mobile Force, a NATO quick reaction force to reinforce its flanks (either Norway or Mediterranean). MAB is a Marine Amphibious Brigade.
It’s coming from here: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/ADA231546.pdf
This is generally a pretty good overview on the situation of the NATO northern flank during the late 80s.
I reckon the air battle over Norway would be very much a DCA campaign (defensive counter air) against the backfires and bears and their escorts coming out of Murmansk in order to keep the GIUK gap open. That would explain all the AA loadouts you see.
During the Cold War period, I think the Norwegian F-16 were almost exclusively assigned to air defense and (coastal) anti-shipping with Penguin ASM.
So a large chunk of the A2G stuff would be the US’ ballgame?
So I’m having a bit of fun with that map. I noticed some ski jumps in the Rovaniemi and wondered if the structures have proper collision model. And as it turns out they do! So I couldn’t resist
I also took a longer flight from Bodo to Jakkmakk and back (no rhyme intended). There were some nice detail but also lack of thereof. Some bigger water bodies lack even water masks. But I guess ORBX will be fixing that in the future. This map has great potential.
Here are some shots from that flight:
Leaving Bodo
Approaching Jakkmakk, weirdly this airbase is not marked on the DSC map?
More Jakkmakk
before mentioned water masking example (with maps)
Some glaciers south of Bodo
Back at Bodo
I would assume so, yes.
The US Marine Amphibious Brigade that was destined to reinforce Norway would bring along its F-4/A-4, later F/A-18 and Harriers, which I would expect to bear the brunt of CAS and interdiction. An interesting note is that during exercies the Marines were never allowed to bring their A-6E to Norway. Apparently the Norwegians feared that the Soviets might throw a fit due to the threat the Intruder represented to their strategic bases.
Then there was a large USAF component of multiple squadrons as described above. They would also have been heavily involved in air-ground, especially with respective aircraft types deployed (A-7, A-10, F-111, F-4, F-16).
Multiple US carrier battle groups were expected to operate in the Norwegian Sea (the USN wanted to have 4 there) but since they needed to contain the Soviet Northern Fleet, I am not sure how many sorties they could spare to support the land defense of Norway (at least initially).
Someone had to do it!
Especially since Dr.Zebra disappeared…
Here is another fun tidbit. I checked the SIPRI arms transfer database and appaerntly the Norwegians didn’t get their AIM-9L until 1986. So in the years before the Norwegian F-16 were fighting with rear-aspect Sidewinders.
First, it’s Jokkmokk.
Second, it’s not finished.
Oops, sorry for misspelling it. Interestingly it’s selectable in the ATC radio menu.Its surface is clearly WIP since I veered off the runway onto the grass going at 100kts and my Viper gear was intact
thought I would get in on the Kola action, but thought I would take the hind out to its natural habitat, and went for a sight-seeing tour of some russian shipyards
Also on a side note I remember either hearing, or reading it on the forums wags saying the main reason they haven’t don Vietnam was because of the Paddy fields and not being able to do different levels of water … well Orbix seem to have managed it, on a performance note, this does seem to need some optimisation. on all other maps I now get a static 72fps on Kola there were a lot of dropping to 36fps
Fleet Defense mission for my Kola Sandbox mission that I’m currently building. You’ll need quite a few Tomcats to finish this
You can also try to convert the Moskva to a submarine
Took the F-16 for a round trip of the map:
I do wish OBS would provide an option to bind PTT to something other than the Keyboard. A quick search on the interwebz showed that apparently there are workarounds but it’s not that easy to set up.
Bind PTT in OBS?
Push to Talk for the Microphone. If I leave my crappy Mic open it’s just gonna be a stream of me sounding like Darth Vader