DCS OpenXR Quickstart Guide for G2 and other WMR headsets

Ours are for private use and have an Experimental Exhibition and Air Racing Airworthiness.

(My first build finished 3rd overall at Reno on debut and one of my planes with a 731-4 would have finished 2nd last year if the pilot had not cut a pylon. We take 1,000 lbs or more out of them a lot of which is all the weapons wiring and ejection seats. They are purely civilian. )


So- I browsed this thread a bit but - how do I start with OpenXR + DCS?


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What VR headset do you have?

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HP Reverb the first one.

Yeah, I was looking at that but having the first HP Reverb I feel unsure…

This works for all WMR headsets, I use it for the Samsung Odyssey as well.

Reverb G1 even has the same resolution as G2 so just do exactly the same

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Just put this file in the dcs/bin folder.

Rename the old one if you want to switch back.

Make a new desktop shortcut to dcs.exe and put a --force_steam_vr after dcs.exe in the command line. Like this: dcs.exe --force_steam_vr

I would also advice you to get the OpenXR toolkit.

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Brilliant! Thanks a bunch!


So, it’s been a while, thought I’d fire the old girl up for a spin.

Welp, that didn’t quite pan out. Somehow all the smoothness the OpenXR thing used to give is gone. It’s no difference at all wether I run SteamVR or OpenXR :frowning: What gives?

Did you replace the openvr_api.dll file after updating DCS? Or run opecomposite again, if you’re using that?

I did.

Does it run OpenXR? Do you have the SteamVR loading flicker or not?
Do you use the OpenXR Toolkit? Can you call it up (ctrl F2, was it?)

It runs openXR, as I don’t see the steamVR flicker. I switched back and forth even, as someone suggests that does anything :roll_eyes:

FWIW, I haven’t compared them lately but if you’re talking performance I never saw much difference. Primarily the OpenXR didn’t crash and tools allowed me to mess with the image a bit. No telling how out of date my SteamVR thing is.

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I just confirmed the CTRL-F2 menu thing works. Framerate is still abysmal. I will experiment some more later.

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Overall I have not noticed a significant change over the last months with one exception:
F-14 and to a lesser degree in the Hornet when landing on the Supercarrier (can’t comment on the default USS Nimitz).

My best guess is that there’s something seriously wrong with the LODs because I get huge freezes when approaching the SC in the Tomcat and minor freezes in the Hornet. I can have 90fps when I am 20NM out but as soon as I enter the pattern it can get really bad, especially after flying around the carrier for extended periods (like you would when practising traps).

Other than that not much has changed in terms of performance with openXR but I did notice that default steamvr (without the be performance kit) runs a lot smoother now.

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? Not familiar with a SteamVR performance kit. But I haven’t used SteamVR since OpenXR came out.

The VR Performance kit is what I used before OpenXR. It was essential to get acceptable performance when I first got into VR last year but when I switched to OpenXR a few months ago I noticed that default SteamVR has become a lot better compared to 8 months ago.

The VR Performance kit adds support for FSR and NIS and offers some other settings to improve performance but it does not look quite as good and isn’t as smooth as OpenXR. With the VR Perf Kit I can get DCS to run at 90fps more consistently but for some reason it doesn’t feel quite as smooth as OpenXR and as mentioned it doesn’t look as good as OpenXR so I happily take the small performance hit of Openxr for the better visuals and overall more consistent experience.